Tasks in DTS Package

  • Hey Guys,

    We have a DTS Package in SQL 2005 (that was inherited from sql 2000) that has almost 70 tasks al jumbled up. Each task has a SP running. What I am planning to do is, create few SPs that runs related sps in a nested way and create a new DTS with less tasks. Also, we can run the tasks in a parallel way. The problem I have is I need to find out the order in which tasks runs quickly as looking at the DTS and noting them will take a long time (more than 70 tasks all jumbled up). Is there a way or a table where I can pull the order in which tasks runs in that DTS package? Guys any suggestion is appreciated.

    THanks a lot.

  • My suggestion is to enable logging in the package then examine the log. The log records are recorded in the order they're executed as the package runs.

    Enable package logging by opening the package, selecting package properties, and setting logging on the "Logging" tab. A package can log to either SQL Server or to an error file. If you decide to log to SQL Server, run this query in msdb:

    select p.*,l.*

    from sysdtspackagelog p join sysdtssteplog l on p.lineagefull = l.lineagefull

    where p.name = 'whatever your package is named'


  • Thanks a lot... we had log in the dts and I was able to run your query for last run and that at least gave me task numbers that ran in order... thanks!

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