Team Members (recursion)

  • Hi,

    I'm stuck with a recursion query. Consider a stuff/employee table like this:

    drop table if exists TeamFilter.Employee;
    drop table if exists TeamFilter.Customer;

    drop schema if exists TeamFilter;

    create schema TeamFilter;

    create table TeamFilter.Employee

    id int not null primary key,
    isManager bit,
    managerId int,
    usrName varchar(50)

    create table TeamFilter.Customer

    id int not null identity primary key,
    employeeId int not null,
    cstName varchar(50)

    -- Level 0: CEO
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (1, 1, null, 'CEO');

    -- Level 1: Division Managers
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (2, 1, 1, 'DivM1');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (3, 1, 1, 'DivM2');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (4, 1, 1, 'DivM3');

    -- Level 2: Department Managers
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (5, 1, 2, 'Div1.DepM1');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (6, 1, 2, 'Div1.DepM2');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (7, 1, 2, 'Div1.DepM3');

    -- Level 3: Team Managers
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (8, 1, 5, 'Div1.Dep1.TM1');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (9, 1, 5, 'Div1.Dep1.TM2');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (10, 1, 5, 'Div1.Dep1.TM3');

    -- Level 4: Team Members
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (11, 0, 8, 'Div1.Dep1.Team1.Emp1');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (12, 0, 8, 'Div1.Dep1.Team1.Emp2');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (13, 0, 8, 'Div1.Dep1.Team1.Emp3');

    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (14, 0, 9, 'Div1.Dep1.Team2.Emp4');
    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (15, 0, 9, 'Div1.Dep1.Team2.Emp5');

    insert into TeamFilter.Employee (id, isManager, managerId, usrName) values (16, 0, 10, 'Div1.Dep1.Team3.Emp6');

    Let's focus on the team with managerId = 8

    As you can see, the table contains a record for each member of the team, excluding the manger. The expected result is a list of all team members including their manager - for any given employee. Hence, I have to "produce" one record somehow.

    The result would look like this:

    empId	teamMemberId	isManager
    12 11 0
    12 12 0
    12 13 0
    12 8 1 -- added

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  rotcha99.
  • This is a standard recursive common table expression. Here's an article showing the solution:

    WITH cteEmpH(EmployeeID, ManagerID, usrName, lvl)
    AS (
     SELECT ID, ManagerID, usrName, 1 AS lvl
     FROM Employee
     WHERE ManagerID IS NULL
     SELECT e.ID, e.ManagerID, e.usrName, 1+lvl
     FROM Employee e
     INNER JOIN cteEmpH ON cteEmpH.EmployeeID = e.ManagerID
    SELECT *
    FROM cteEmpH;


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  pietlinden.
  • Let's correct your DDL first. You really have only one employee and one customer, as your table names tell us? Probably not. Because identifiers are on a nominal scale, they are never numeric. This is simple basic data modeling. Next being a manager is not property of an employee. It's a relationship the employee has with the organization. You really need a course in basic data modeling. Then on top of that I see you're still doing assembly language programming with bit flags. We don't do that in SQL anymore. Doesn't it bother you that in violation of the law of identity and all common sense, your "id" can magically change from a customer to an employee to an automobile to a squid. The law of identity is "to be is to be something in particular"; there are no generic identities. This is one of the foundations of all Western thought and you don't know it.

    CREATE TABLE Personnel

    (emp_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    emp_name VARCHAR(50));

    See how a table has columns that represent ONLY the attributes of the entities modeled by that table? No extraneous stuff. I'm also curious about a 50 character name but I'm sure that was the result of careful research and not just a number you pulled out from having been an Access programmer at one point in your life and going to their default. United States Postal Service uses 35, but I'm sure they didn't do your careful research

    CREATE TABLE Job_Assignments

    (job_title VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    REFERENCES Org_Chart (job_title),

    emp_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL

    REFERENCES Personnel(emp_id)



    This table models a relationship between the personnel we've got in the jobs we've got in the organizational chart. You need to learn the difference between a relationship and an attribute.


    (team_name CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    emp_id CHAR(1) NOT NULL

    REFERENCES Personnel(emp_id),

    team_role CHAR() NOT NULL

    CHECK (team_role IN ('member', 'manager')


    Since I don't know how many IT managers you can have, I'll leave it at this however if there is only one manager per team, then we can use a WITH CHECK constraint to enforce uniqueness. Or make it mandatory. This is a little advanced, so so I won't post it. Also what the customers have to do with any of this? My guess is there some kind of relationship between the customers and the team

    CREATE TABLE Customers

    (cust_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    cust_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL);

    CREATE TABLE Customer_Assignments

    (cust_id CHAR(10) NOT NULL

    REFERENCES Customers (cust_id)


    team_name CHAR(10) NOT NULL

    REFERENCES Teams(team_name)


    -- PRIMARY KEY (team_name, cust_id)

    -- PRIMARY KEY (team_name)

    -- PRIMARY KEY (cust_id)


    You now need to make a design decision is a customer have an only one team assigned to him, multiple teams or does a team have multiple customers? This is expressed as a cardinality of a relationship – (1:1), (1:m) or (n:m)

    >> As you can see, the table contains a record [sic: a row is nothing whatsoever like a record. This is a fundamental concept] for each member of the team, excluding the manger. The expected result is a list of all team members including their manager - for any given employee. Hence, I have to "produce" one record [sic] somehow. <<

    I think that you went to the adjacency list model and recursion because you hadn't thought through all of the relationships. Been doing this for a few decades now and I've seen it before; recursion is not needed.

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

  • Thanks guys for the great advice 🙂

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