Telnet works but odbc connection fails with server not found

  • Hi, I am facing a strange error.

    From application server we are able to telnet sqlnetworkname,port

    but the same sqlnetworkname,port fails while connecting through odbc (using sql oledb driver) with error sql server does not exist. it was working fine and telnet is still working. There is no record of failed login at sql side. means the request did not reach to sql through odbc.

    Please help me if there is any known issues with driver in recent patches.

    Note: The database instance is healthy, other application servers can connect and working fine.


    Seraj Alam

  • The error suggests that the server name was misspelled in the ODBC settings. Did you check it?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks Gianluca for your reply,

    Name was correct.

    Here is what we did next, after all troubleshooting and sql client re-installation on application server, it still did not connect properly. the behaviour was sometime connecting and sometime not.

    We built another application server and found the same behaviour.

    Finally we found network upgrade (IOS) triggered this cause and it was resolved by some change at ESX level where the Virtual Applicaton mschine was hosted.



    Seraj Alam

  • Thanks for the feedback!

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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