Text with Layout Rendering

  • We have a legacy mainframe environment where reports are spooled out as ascii text, but it is text with layout.  That is, titles are centered, columns aligned, etc.  We use Monarch on these reports to parse out certain data for use in other processes, so, for instance, an account number in a particular report is found at line 3 positions 10 - 20.

    I would like certain reports rendered from SSRS in a similar text format.  None of the native rendering formats do this.  It seems like such a simple basic function that I almost feel like I'm missing something here.  An hour of Googling has not produced a solution, so I'm thinking that it is either incredibly difficult to do, or incredibly simple and I can't see it staring me in the face.

    Is anyone aware of a 3rd parting rendering extension, or other approach that I could use to produce this type of output?

  • Not entirely clear on what you want to do... do you have data in SQL Server that you want to spool out in a similar fashion?  In other words, where does the data for the new reports live?

    --Jeff Moden

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  • The vendor of our core mainframe system has provided daily snapshots of data in MSSQL.  We want to use these snapshots to recreate some of the custom reporting currently done using the vendors legacy report writer. 

    We have other processes in place that use the legacy text based report files.  It would be less disruptive if this output format could be maintained by the SSRS reports so that they would fit into the existing downstream processing.

  • I had a similar situation once, trying to create a text file that would match up to an existing Monarch template.  I was using Crystal Reports to export the final text file, but the same method should apply.  I basically created each line of the report as a single string, so that it looked like this:

    @line1 = ''
    @line2 = right(replicatestring(' ',40) & @field1,40) & right (replicationstring(' ',37) & @field2,37)
    @line3 = ''
    @line4 = right(replicatestring(' ',90) & @field3, 90)
    If that's the sort of format (fixed width with different values per line) you're needing to recreate, I think using STUFF along with some variables will get you started.  It's not elegant, but It worked for me.

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