Thanks for taking the test!

  • Thanks for taking the test. This forum is a private forum where you can discuss the answers and questions on the test. Please feel free to give us your suggestions about things you didn't like about the questions or interface as well! There will be many more of these soon.

    Just in case you didn't see the bullet in the test, this contest ends on the 14th of June and a random person who passed the test will be picked then and emailed.

    Brian Knight

  • I think some of the questions where not realistic. When do you really grant or deny permissions to individual IDs? Permissions in the real world are hardly ever granted in such a way.

  • I enjoyed the test...showed me a lot I didn't know. And a couple I didn't read closely enough (missed the UDP and 'assumed' it was TCP).

    Thanks for taking the time to create it.


  • Very good test, and very real world! I'm on a network security team and this is the stuff I deal with almost daily. Can't wait to take the next one!

    - Vega

    - Vega

  • quote:

    I enjoyed the test...showed me a lot I didn't know. And a couple I didn't read closely enough (missed the UDP and 'assumed' it was TCP).

    When I was giving the same test to my team, 90% of them missed that question as well. I guess they ran through it too quick as well when they saw 1433 ;).

    Brian Knight

  • Very interesting test!

    Next time I spent more attention, that's definitely nothing you can do by the way when dealing a hedge swap on the phone. The results were devastating



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Fantastic Test, Liked doing it , wish i had scored more committed a lot of unforced errors and hence got only 10 right. Maybe have a better luck next time

  • This is definitely a test you can't take distracted. That means no Quake and SQL Server security testing at the same time.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yeah that 1433/tcp 1434/udp thing tripped me up as well.

    It was fun :).

  • At least he didn't ask about 2433...

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • And the test shouldn't be changed to make the UDP more obvious. Good Security is never obvious or takes work and paying attention to detail, which is what I forgot to do.


  • Good test. Had to take a little time to think things through. I flip flopped my thoughts on revoke vs deny, so I missed those two and I've never use the C2 audit setting, so I just guessed that it would be stored in the logs directory. Now I know! I'll be waiting for my winning notification email! Thanks for the quiz... keep em coming.

  • I enjoyed the test.

    Was surprised not to see any question about SPN and kerberos authentification. This is one of the more confusing aspect of sequel security.

  • quote:

    Was surprised not to see any question about SPN and kerberos authentification.

    But you only see this in an Active Directory environment. A lot of companies are still NT 4.0.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Good test. It has been a while since I've had to think some things through, but ultimately, I think it was too easy. After all, if I could ace it, it must be too easy. Thanks to all for putting it together.

    I can't wait for the next installment.

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