The Bulb Man

  • Is the correct answer ask why the want to restore the database to a point in time two-hours prior to the crash? Would the proper course of action be to talk to the CFO?

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • Sounds to me like someone is trying to hide something that happened in the last right before the crash, Enron-style...

    Another part of the solution might be to try to determine what caused the crash and fix that as well.  Hard to restore to a hard disk that has a crashed head

  • Now there's a good point. Guess I failed. Why did the database crash is always good. Though, to be honest, if a boss is telling me to restore the data ASAP the first thing I'd do is look for a way to do it and get business going again. Obviously, that may include fixing what broke in the first place but it also might mean bringing up a backup system temporarily.

    That is one of those questions that should lead to a discussion and not a short answer.

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

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