The Challenge: Litespeed v TDPSQL

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    David Bird

  • One slight error concerning Litespeed, there is a ( free ) utility which allows you to restore a litespeed backup on a a non litespeed server.

    If you forget the GUI , I never make use of the gui for handling production backups anyway, and use the extended procs with scripts/procs then Litespeed is a dream to use.

    The reality is that Litespeed does live up to the hype - a well recommended product - I wouldn't leave home without it

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I used TSM at the last place, V5.2 I think, and I never could get the Admin boys round to setting up Transaction Log backups going.   

    I also found the GUI unreliable, so much so I wrote my own in Excel!  If you are interested, you down load it here:

    <shameless plug></shameless plug>

    Dave J
    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • At the time I tested Litespeed it had (or has) a Native Command Substitution that loads as a service and capture native SQL maintenance plans as they execute re-routing them through the Litespeed engine.

    When we added up the compression (savings in disk space and tape), speed and NCS (with any other product we would have been faced with changing over 10,000 maintenance plans), it became a no-brainer.

    Unfortunately, the company (a major play in the IT industry) was going through cost cutting and reorganization  again so we never got approval to purchase Litespeed.


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • It would have been nice to have added a pro and con for the native backup using SQL Server tools for your environment.

    I was also left wondering why you didn't consider using network attached storage instead of the SAN for the backup files.

    Thanks for an informative review.

  • I'm wondering what about BMC SQL-Backtrack. I'm not a litespeed user but, I have looked at the product in the past. I have used TDP but, our shop uses SQL-Backtrack which I believe is a much older product than LiteSpeed and works with many different media managers. BMC also has a fully integrated product suite that covers Oracle/DB2 and Informix(I know but, I was listing) as well with integrated backup console. I think the auther shorted himself by not reviewing this product as well.

  • I'm surprised that your LiteSpeed backups and restores took longer than native.   We have seen better much performance with LiteSpeed.

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • I agree. Our LiteSpeed backups are much faster than the native backups.

  • What about Red-Gate/ is that backup product competitive?

  • I reviewed it about a year ago: .  I thought it performed well. 

    Aunt Kathi Data Platform MVP
    Author of Expert T-SQL Window Functions
    Simple-Talk Editor

  • I think he's comparing the backup times to/from tape for LightSpeed and TDPSQL to the native backup times to/from disk.  I also wish there was a product that would make tapes run faster than disk, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it.

    I am frankly amazed that the the author chose TDPSQL because he liked the GUI, while overlooking:

    Doesn't verify

    Runs 85% - 415% slower

    Costs more

    Can't restore individual tables

  • My LiteSpeed backup and restores are at least three times faster than the equivalent native operations were.

    - Jay

  • Interesting article in that we have both products (TSM TDP - Oracle & SQL Server and SQL Litespeed) in-house and use each according to what our SLAs are on our servers.  Anything that is mission critical and needs to be available within 48hrs of disaster declaration is on TSM.  A single application handling restoration and media simplifies a highly stressful situation.   Learning TSM can be a challenge no doubt.  The restoration timing mentioned don't tie with what we have seen although we have seen terrible times with pulling data from tape (not SQL restores) due to spreading the data sets across a number of tape media.

    Our other systems where our SLAs are not as stringent are on a combination of LiteSpeed or SQL native backup.  We chose Litespeed for backup data compression and backup speed for the larger databases.  The extrator utility for Litespeed (change litespeed backups to sql native so you can restore on another server) is terribly slow.  We still perform all master backups through sql native in addition to the afore mentioned - just funny that way.

  • I think the article is confusing for those that use LiteSpeed directly to disk.  In that case, LiteSpeed is undoubtedly faster than native and simple to script. 

  • dude, what the hell? you didn't try redgate sql back 4.1 or any of those other product because you want to make sure you can restore the database?  WTF is that type of BS?  Some evaulator you are if you aren't willing to try all the product before making a conclusion.

    I'm using redgate sql back 4.1 atm and let me you tell you a few things about it, it works, it works great.  You can restore and backup any damn databases that's in SIMPLY or FULL recovery mode (not going to discuss the restriction of the SIMPLY recovery mode on a db).

    Used Redgate on a 485GB database, which took over 27 hours to perform a full backup (using sql server native backup).  Redgate compress the damn thing to 101GB and in 17 hours.  Personally, that compression ratio and speed is fast in my book.

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

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