The DBA Boat

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The DBA Boat

  • As a boat owner myself I can understand the importance of a name. Sailing boats have a character of their own and the name contributes to that.

    I've only had one that didn't come with a name and that has become Carbonara - white and full of control strings like spaghetti everywhere and named after my childrens' favourite meal.

    It is regarded as unlucky to change a boat's name and when we got our vintage (1968) Merlin Rocket - a 14ft sailing dinghy - she was renamed back to her original "Half Cut" and has been lucky for us ever since.

    We don't say "ess queue ell" here so I'd suggest "Sea Quell" as a boat name for your correspondant as it's both job related and boat related.

  • How about "Still A FLOAT"

  • Hey... If I'd just disclosed the names of my kids on a blog, my wife would have to change all her passwords! Dangerous things, names.

  • I usually end up calling myself "factotum" on Internet fora and the like...seems appropriate to name myself as a jack of all trades, given that's what I usually end up being! 🙂

    Never had a boat so can't help with the boat naming thing, though...

  • How about SeaQL?

  • Bit off topic I guess but, we always say we work on 'Squirrel' and my colleagues across the corridor work on 'Orable'

  • What would I name with a SQL-related theme? Well, naming a child something like that wouldn't be appropriate. But naming a pet would certainly be fun. Something like:

    Mojo'); DROP TABLE PET;--

    Naturally, I stole the idea from:

    Maybe if I get another dog some day, that'll be his name.

  • Boat naming is quite personal, and I've spent enough time around boat owners to know they protect those names fiercely. (I had friends named Marcia and Linwood, who named their boat MarLin, and got upset when another "marlin" named boat appeared near the Lake Erie islands.)

    When I started blogging I used the handle marathonsqlguy, for obvious reasons.

    Have a great weekend, Steve.


  • how about 'Virtual Log'

  • If you forget to put gas in the boat, "RBAR" (Row-By-Agonizing-Row) may actually mean something.... heh... Oar Not... 😛

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    How to post code problems
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    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I tend to like the more blatant. Online I like to be referred to as Gary (or Gaz) Varga because it is my true moniker (Istvan is my middle name and there appears to be another Gary Varga wannabe on this site). That is my preference (like many and unlike many others - I love difference).

    For the boat here are a few dodgy options (apologies for any repeats but not my poor sense of humour - precious family heirloom):

    Top 1


    Nah, I give up...even my dodgy humour is falling short - good luck to the fella (or fella'ette). Just don't call it Floater!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Captain Miserable is obviously not my real name. It's something that a couple of co-workers started calling me, because of all of the cleanup I've had to perform, related to other people's bad coding/business decisions, over the years. I'm not perfect, and still relatively new to software development, but I tend to be vocal when I see something that's just plain 'dumb'.

    It's also related to the fact that while I consider myself to be lucky in life, I've had several freak injuries and mishaps over the years. I'm not accident prone, but when I do have one, it's pretty bad!

    I'm actually known to be a relatively mellow guy. Even happy... The nickname was just funny, and it stuck. It's an easy 'handle' to keep, as it's not common.

  • My license plate really opens up the fact that a persons background really drives how they think.

    I read D8ADORK as Data Dork while 90% of people read it as Date A Dork and feel sorry for my wife...

    I vote for:

    The Cursor...

    Being a boat you could easily find yourself cursing at all the maintenance...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

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