The Debacle Continues

  • I didn't read all the replies, but I've experienced the same thing with Sears.

    I called them up after returning a manual that I ordered from I didn't even open the envelope, just stuffed it in a bigger envelope and sent it back.

    When I didn't get my refund within 10 days, I called them up. According to cust svc, "They batch process reversals once a month at the end of the month." Basically they hold onto your money and make interest off it until they have to return it.

    BTW, a list of VRU/IRV responses to get you to a human.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Furthermore,

    Even in the case of, some issues persist, let's say that you have a problem with some buy.

    Do you have any other way besides email to contact amazon?

    Surprise, as far as I know there is no any place in the website that guide you to contact a flesh and blood person, which can assist you more effectively when you're in a highly stressed case based on 'several emails ping-pong'.

    I got a friend which got a friend, and so that way my friend found something like a "amazon customer service center", based on phone calls. But it should be easier to get it from the web page and not like a back-door Playstation trick.

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