The Differences Between SQL Server 2000 and 2005

  • Good Day,

    Great article outlining the differences. Is there a resource on the internet where we can determine what are the differences between SQL 2005 Express and SQL 2005 Standard and so forth.


    Mark P Ashworth

  • More RAM = More Performace.   That is what I hope to see as we transition ~6 Servers running ~ 20 databases in 2000  to a singl 64bit SQL2005 box, and a hot swapp stand by box with mirroring of all databases to it.    We'll see how it goes!   Big project underway now to get this done.


  • hi steve,

    thanks for the article and thanks for your reply to my post last week about which version of 2005 must be purchased to downgrade to 2000 enterprise  

    i contacted microsoft but their response was not exactly crystal-clear.   after a good half hour of back & forth between me & his colleagues, the gentleman i spoke to eventually concluded that we must indeed purchase 2005 enterprise to downgrade to 2000 enterprise.

    i pointed out that being a small business, this is overkill for our needs and we would effectively be paying $20k for a 6-7 year-old product just for its increased memory usage which is a function provided by purchase of 2005 standard ($6k).    he acknowledged this was something of an anomaly but could only comment based on the info he had at hand.

    i'm curious to know if anyone else has any info that might support or contradict this?


  • Steve,

    I was particularly interested to read what you had to say about the 4 CPU limit into 2005. I was attempting to find out last week whether or not you could buy 4 Quad Core processors and actually use the full 16 processors available or wheteher you were limited to only using 4 available processors?



  • Nice summary - perhaps I could suggest a follow on article for Embarrassing Hazards Involved in Staged Migration to 2005?


    Logshipping not working from 2000 to 2005 or vv.

    Reporting Services on Workgroup Edition not supporting databases on a different server


  • Great article! I've been looking for a concise, authoritative account of this exact topic. I am looking forward to your next installment. Keep up the good work!


  • Don't forget changes to the SQL itself. SQL Server finally supports MINUS/EXCEPT. For those of us who think in terms of sets, this has been a long time coming.

    I realize the article was admin centric instead of programmer centric, but this is huge IMO.

  • I enjoyed this article a lot, because I happen to be getting ready to present a 2-hour bit to a group of 20 enterprise DBAs on exactly this topic.  I cover most of what you talk about, but I was surprised that you didn't mention service broker and SQLCLR from a DBAs perspective.  While they may not need to know how to program them for their DBA work, they need to know the basics of how to deploy them and what to do when developers ask them to be used.

    Warm Regards,Greg

  • Good article Steve, your research always helps the rest of us. 


  • Good write up.


    Carl, see the discussion in this thread:


  • Thanks Anders.

  • Partioning?

  • I believe that the key is the number of sockets on the motherboard, not the number of processing cores. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that you could, indeed, get full use out of all 16 cores in a 4 quad-core processor machine.

    At that point it's probably wise to start fiddling with max degrees of parallelism at times, too. I just benefitted from Option(maxdop = 1) on a very processor-intensive process whose total runtime didn't matter as much as the ability to have the server devote a processor to it and leave everything else usable by other processes during work hours.

    On topic: Another good article, Steve! I was a little surprised not to see CLR mentioned, but again, it was an administration-centric article, so it was not unreasonable to leave it out. Well done as always.


  • Search around online, you should still be able to buy 2K Enterprise.  I found one price shop page that has it with 25 CALs for about $3300.  Are CALs different between Enterprise and Standard?  I'm not sure on that one.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

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