The EXECUTE permission was denied in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

  • We have run into an interesting issue over the last couple of weeks. Some of our users have received newer PCs and installed SQL Server Studio Manager 2008 Express. When they attempt to view object properties on our SQL 2005 servers, they receive the following error message:

    The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_instance_regread', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'

    However, the same login using SSMS 2005 (Express or other) works fine.

    When I first came to this company I ran the following on all of the SQL Server instances to help lock them down:

    USE master

    REVOKE execute on sp_runwebtask to public

    REVOKE execute on sp_readwebtask to public

    REVOKE execute on sp_MSSetServerProperties to public

    REVOKE execute on sp_MScopyscriptfile to public

    REVOKE execute on sp_MSsetalertinfo to public

    REVOKE execute on xp_regread to public

    REVOKE execute on xp_instance_regread to public


    I temporarily granted execute again to xp_regread to public until I am able to figure out why SSMS 2008 appears to be giving this problem.... I could create a custom role in Master with permissions to execute xp_regread, but I cannot imagine having to setup every login account witih security access to the Master database versus just using public by default....

    Any ideas?

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • DB_Newbie,

    I wondering if you ever found out more info on this issue? I'm seeing the same issue.



  • No updates. When the problem first occurred there were no postings on the subject related to SQL Server 2008... I am beginning to see some now, but no answers on how to resolve the issue yet, other than granting permissions as I mentioned in the original post. 🙁

    I also had posted this on a Microsoft site, but no answer their either. 🙁

    I know I have run into other issues with SQL Server 2008 on a 2008 server (SSMS logins do not appear to want to use cliconfg aliases, but works with the ip address, i.e., MyServer does not work but 111.222.333.444,portno does work).

    This was true for not only SSMS 2008 but my RedGate software also.

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • I found a bug listing on Microsoft Connect (ID 515132) similar to the issue I was experiencing. I put my comments in the bug and voted on it. Anyone experiencing a similar problem should also review the bug, add comments and VOTE. 🙂

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • Thanks for the info. I'll put in my vote, and hopefully we can get a resolution or workaround.

    In the meantime, I will continue to search and test for a way around this. I'll post here if I find anything.


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