The following system error occurred: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed in SSAS 2005

  • Hi ,

    I Get this Error when i go to deploy the Cube in the local server

    "The following system error occurred: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed. "

    i made some changes to my cube ...just delete one dimension fro m the design and now what to deploy the cube ..But the Error occured...

    I Really did'nt understand what does it mean..Can any of you please help me out to figure out this issue



  • Looks like an Active Directory error to me. So I'd suggest talking to your Active Directory Admin.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Did you upgrade to Windows 7? This was the symptom of a Win7 -> SSAS connectivity issue. You can search the forum (or google) - from memory (and I know this sounds strange, but it was a security dll overwrite) but you had to remove the Live Login Assistant (or similar named app/svc) from your machine which removed the offending dll.



  • did you ever get a resolution for this?

  • My discovery was as follows:

    When you try to process a dimension that has been created (before you try to create a cube), the data sources and data source views will be created on the Analysis Services server. If you login there and right click, you can find a tab called Security (SQL SSAS 2008 - not sure if it is the same in 2005). You can then add NETWORK SERVICE and / or your Service Account to the list of users. Your login should already be listed here (as the administrator). If you can't right click, you need to have yourself added as the admin of the server or have your sysadmin do this.

    Next when you open the Data Sources, go to the Tab marked Impersonation Information and select Inherit. This will at least allow your server to access and begin processing of your flat data. The errors that come after this are nitpicky and specific but you should be able to work your way through it.


  • In my case the problem was caused by the Roles in my cube project. I had to double-click each role in Solution Explorer and remove all users/groups from the Membership tab. Those were pointing to the domain I did not have access to. I was deploying the cube to my local system and did not need dependencies on that external domain.

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