The Future Synonym

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Future Synonym

  • Interesting feature that I didn't know about before. I would suppose it would make it easier to select data from a table with a long, confusing or hard to spell name - my brain came up with MyDB.dbo.supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which I freely admit I cut and pasted after searching for that word. Happily it appears that there is a sys.synonyms view that allows finding all on the current database and what objects they are referring to. Nice bit of new knowledge for a Monday morning.

  • Interesting, so they're less reliable than views.....

  • These are good for cross database dependencies, separating out the linkage between objects. This also lets you move the other object to a new db or a new instance and only edit the synonym instead of a number of other objects.

    I don't know these are less reliable, but you don't have to worry about chronology if you are moving something, or you have to recreate an environment. That's a good thing.

    Of course, test them when you create them and the other object does exist to be sure you haven't typo'd something.

  • To me, it's a bit funny that someone would say that they're "less reliable" than views... they are one of the few things that operate precisely the way they're documented and will allow you to do complete database builds one database at a time without having to stand up all the databases and then go back to them all to build the synonyms.  It's something that you can actually "rely on". 😀

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  • /shrug Views at least validate themselves at creation time and if you do schema binding should stay valid.

  • An interesting use of synonyms provides flexibility for source or target table names in scripts and procedures.

    DECLARE  @InputTable varchar(100) = 'ContentX' -- this would be a parameter to the procedure

    -- the procedcure starts with
    DECLARE @dynSQL varchar(1000) = '
    DROP SYNONYM [dbo].[InputTable];
    CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[InputTable] FOR ' + @InputTable

    exec (@DynSQL)

    -- procedure code simply refers to the synonym
    select top 10 * from dbo.InputTable

    By creating a synonym called something like "InputTable" for the table to be read,  we can (obviously) write a procedure using the name of the synonym instead of the actual table name.    But by beginning the procedure with a simple "DROP/CREATE SYNONONYM" in dynamic SQL, you can pass in the name of your input table as a parameter.     This is much simpler than coding/ debugging large chunks of code in dynamic SQL to replace table names with a variable.

    Obviously, it is up to the developer to make sure the input tables are all identical in terms of column names and  datatypes. This technique has only been applied to simple imports and merges, so the inevitable recompile time is minimal.  Still it has been useful when importing tables from other systems which are identified either by dates being included in their table names, or by being stored in different databases.

    This is just another layer of abstraction, the same thing could be done with a view, instead of a synonym.



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