The GetExecutionErrorInfo method issue

  • Does anyone have an issue problem with the GetExecutionErrorInfo method ?
    For example I have a sample code in one Activex Script Task :
      Dim xoStep  
      Dim xlErrNum
      Set  xoStep =DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Steps("DTSStep_DTSDataDrivenQueryTask_1")     

      xoStep.GetExecutionErrorInfo   xlErrNum 

    The GetExecutionErrorInfo method fails with error "Type mismatch".
    I can't catch the error info about a cause why other Step failure.
    Have any idea ?
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  • You'll need to pass the step object to a COM component as a variant as the method requires strongly typed variables.   here is the code for a method in a VB6 DLL.....


    Public Function GetErrorText(poStep)

    Dim lErrorCode As Long

    Dim sErrorSource As String

    Dim sErrorDescription As String

    poStep.GetExecutionErrorInfo lErrorCode, sErrorSource, sErrorDescription

    GetErrorText = lErrorCode & " | " & sErrorSource & " | " & sErrorDescription

    End Function

    Trey Johnson | Chief Business Intelligence Architect | Cizer Software (

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