The Ideal IDE

  • Yes, this is a slightly negative post!
    SIX "SSMS has stopped working" events in succession, just because I need twenty script windows open, and connected to 3 instances, and, and, should NEVER happen if the IDE was well-written, and compiled as a 64-bit App, for goodness sake!  To have to make it large memory aware by hand, and still have it crash, like it just did, again, after just 1 connection, with 20 restored windows, when I connected to only the 2nd instance of the day, within FIFTEEN MINUTES of fire-up v17.8.1 from cold...
    If there IS a better IDE that has full SQL Prompt support, and is 64-bit so it can deal with large resultsets, do tell.......
    The only "extensions" I have are SQL Prompt, and PlanExplorer, the latter never works from the right-click menu...  Then there's SQL Compare and Data Compare, but I never use them in SSMS.  So I don't appear to have overloaded the IDE, unless one of those is a memory-hog that I don't know about.  If it were 64-bit, I have plenty of RAM to spare on this 16GB Windows 8.1Pro, patched to the hilt MacBook Pro, that is, if FireFox and Chrome didn't eat 600MB for a page!  (sad fact of life that 5 DPA, 6 JIRA, 2 email, and several Drive pages using 2 different Google Logins - mid-transition necessity - have to stay open to do my job)
    Anyone know of MS will EVER make SSMS 64-bit - i.e., enter the current world...?  A positive answer to that would at least be reassuring to those of us where SSMS is the world we live in...
    I did like SQL Developer from Quest years back; T.O.A.D. was far too O.A.-centric in a non-O.A. environment.  VS itself has far too many non-SQL-Server artifacts, and dealing with solutions and projects, where I'd be "context-switching" all day long, isn't conducive to productivity.
    SQL Prompt's "Restore Tabs" is great, to a point...  It restores them to visibility, but hardly ever reconnects to the server and DB.  If they'd add an extension to the "Windows..." dialog to "Reconnect all these windows to Server X, DB Y", happy days!

  • SAinCA - Wednesday, August 8, 2018 12:02 PM

    Yes, this is a slightly negative post!
    SIX "SSMS has stopped working" events in succession, just because I need twenty script windows open, and connected to 3 instances, and, and, should NEVER happen if the IDE was well-written, and compiled as a 64-bit App, for goodness sake!  To have to make it large memory aware by hand, and still have it crash, like it just did, again, after just 1 connection, with 20 restored windows, when I connected to only the 2nd instance of the day, within FIFTEEN MINUTES of fire-up v17.8.1 from cold...
    If there IS a better IDE that has full SQL Prompt support, and is 64-bit so it can deal with large resultsets, do tell.......
    The only "extensions" I have are SQL Prompt, and PlanExplorer, the latter never works from the right-click menu...  Then there's SQL Compare and Data Compare, but I never use them in SSMS.  So I don't appear to have overloaded the IDE, unless one of those is a memory-hog that I don't know about.  If it were 64-bit, I have plenty of RAM to spare on this 16GB Windows 8.1Pro, patched to the hilt MacBook Pro, that is, if FireFox and Chrome didn't eat 600MB for a page!  (sad fact of life that 5 DPA, 6 JIRA, 2 email, and several Drive pages using 2 different Google Logins - mid-transition necessity - have to stay open to do my job)
    Anyone know of MS will EVER make SSMS 64-bit - i.e., enter the current world...?  A positive answer to that would at least be reassuring to those of us where SSMS is the world we live in...
    I did like SQL Developer from Quest years back; T.O.A.D. was far too O.A.-centric in a non-O.A. environment.  VS itself has far too many non-SQL-Server artifacts, and dealing with solutions and projects, where I'd be "context-switching" all day long, isn't conducive to productivity.
    SQL Prompt's "Restore Tabs" is great, to a point...  It restores them to visibility, but hardly ever reconnects to the server and DB.  If they'd add an extension to the "Windows..." dialog to "Reconnect all these windows to Server X, DB Y", happy days!

    hmm.. wonder what is happening on your MacBook Pro? I run SSMS connected to at least a dozen SQL instances all day long with at least 30+ tabs (sessions) all day long, sometimes double that, and never have issues. Run queries against data warehouse databases that can take over an hour and return millions of records. Have RedGate's SQL Prompt & SQL Toolbelt, SentryOne Plan Explorer, SSMSBoost all installed as well.  I, too, have v17.8.1 of SSMS installed on Win 7 Ent SP1 on an older DELL system with 16 GB of RAM. I hear your pain, but not feeling it. 🙂

  • qbrt - Wednesday, August 8, 2018 12:18 PM

    hmm.. wonder what is happening on your MacBook Pro? I run SSMS connected to at least a dozen SQL instances all day long with at least 30+ tabs (sessions) all day long, sometimes double that, and never have issues. Run queries against data warehouse databases that can take over an hour and return millions of records. Have RedGate's SQL Prompt & SQL Toolbelt, SentryOne Plan Explorer, SSMSBoost all installed as well.  I, too, have v17.8.1 of SSMS installed on Win 7 Ent SP1 on an older DELL system with 16 GB of RAM. I hear your pain, but not feeling it. 🙂

    I'd love to know, too....  Are you also on a MacBook Pro - if so, Bootcamp or something like Parallels?  Windows 10 or 8.1?  I'd sure like to get off this box if the environment is the problem. 

    Thanks for posting!

  • SAinCA - Wednesday, August 8, 2018 12:32 PM

    I'd love to know, too....  Are you also on a MacBook Pro - if so, Bootcamp or something like Parallels?  Windows 10 or 8.1?  I'd sure like to get off this box if the environment is the problem. 

    Thanks for posting!

    I mentioned it, but no, not using MacBook Pro. I use an older DELL system (i5-6600 @ 3.3 GHz - 4 logical processors) with Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 installed on it. SSMS is a 32-bit application. Being 32-bit, does not mean it is poorly written :). Just that memory management and memory pool size differs. I'd guess SSMS is still 32-bit due to all the older 32-bit code it still needs to work with in all different situations. Ya, hoping MS would add resources to create a separate 64-bit version, but I'm not willing to foot the bill for that. Are you? hehe...j/k.

    I'm not suggesting you give up your fancy MacBook Pro. I'm just saying that the issues you're having should not be happening. It should be fixable.
    You mentioned something about making SSMS large memory aware. Could that be causing the issue? Just a guess.

  • LMA was a solution proposed by a Red Gate tech, as SSMS since day 1 of SSMS 2016, let alone 2017, has regularly crashed.  I'm not alone with these crashes here - the common factor being "all MacBook Pro laptops"!  Sadly, even going to Win10 isn't an easy upgrade - have to have the right BootCamp drivers, too!  Maybe as the new owners favor Dell, I may get off this Mac and can only hope that my SSMS woes will be a thing of the past.

    Cheers, @qbrt

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