The Last Job

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  • The question from the article:

    Is this the last full time, technology job you'll have?

    Yes it is! I love what I do. Even though I'm at retirement age, I love the interaction with the kind of people that I'm currently working with and the thought process of solving the kinds of problems that occur every day. I might back off (heh... 40 hour weeks are and always have been really short weeks for me) on the amount of time I spend "on the job", but I just can't imagine quitting for good. It's not just a job for me.

    I've done everything from being a field engineer to being the Director of MIS. I'm right where I want to be (finally got out of management in 2003). It took me a long time to find my niche and I'm not ready to give it up, yet. That might be what most would attribute to the "stability" thing you were talking about with older workers but I rather think about it as finally finding exactly what I want to do and sticking to my guns because I like it, a lot.

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  • Will this be my last full-time tech job? Almost certainly. I celebrated 15 years here a few days ago, and will reach retirement age (66 in 2024 in UK) in less than 10 years. Despite legislation against age discrimination in employment being in place for several years now, little has changed. It is very difficult for an older worker to land a new job.

    On the plus side, my current employer is running a stable, profitable business, with relatively good conditions of employment - staying here is not a hardship. And they will still be trading profitably in 10 years time. But I still plan to retire when I reach retirement age. I have plenty of interests ouside work which I don't have enough time for.

    I have always feared having to work until I drop. I do not want that pressure, so I have always paid into pensions, so that I can retire into comfort, not poverty.

  • Are you looking for a raise Steve ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • A job to me is about the people I work with. Making technology work for others to have an easier or better work life is what drives me.

    Too young to be in my last job right now and although I love what I do right now it has become the wrong country to live in. So time to finish all the open issues, make all my work as good as it can and find a new job where I can work for people with technology.

    Oh, and preferably black helicopters. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • For the last full time tech job, I joke with a couple of friends that it will be very similar to one of the top levels of a pyramid scheme. It will be a job, but I can just sit there and watch the money roll in from all of the people at the lower levels just raking it in for me. :-D:-D

    Seriously though, I see what I am doing now as being the last "JOB" that I have for a long time. I don't see it changing. I am happy doing what I am doing and enjoy the people with whom I meet and work.

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  • No, this is not the last position. There's a lot of good technology and processes I'm not allowed to implement here, even though I've proven myself time and again...

    Ideally I'd rather win the lottery and spend the time helping the community and delve back into math, electronics and physics...

  • Probably not. I haven't moved around as much as most people in the IT industry, but the statistics say I will be moving. I'd rather not, but money or market forces may prevail.

  • Considering I still have 20+yrs left in the work force, I've never been more than 4 consecutive years at an employer, salary levels in tech, and the constant change and challenges in technology, I don't know how I could consider this my last tech job. My current company is the best company I've worked for and the CIO is very good, but the only constant is change. I think I'll be staying in data no matter what company I work for because I love the challenges in data.

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  • My current job is my last full time IT job. I retire Jan. 30, 2015. I plan on pursuing the following: (no particular order)




    Jazz trumpet


    Watch the surf come in at the beach

    Rum drinking

    Cigar smoking



    Mentoring youth in computer skills

    If I have time left, I may pick up an occasional gig, but, after 35 years in IT, I lost the excitement I had just a few years ago.

    Only about 49 calendar days to go, but, who's counting? ๐Ÿ˜›


  • I'm looking at this from a very different angle. This is my first tech job, to which I came 18 months ago on a long route through tourism, retail, catering and security. The problem is that it's going to come to an end sooner rather than later as the company I currently work for hands over to another. I know that there's protection under TUPE but we don't know what will happen after the handover and that could be we TUPE straight out through the door. I'm extremely grateful for the fact that I finally have transferable skills in an area in which I really enjoy working and there is demand but I lack experience and that will certainly put employers off. I'm also not as invested in things as many on here because of my short time in this area. It's difficult for me not to think that a job's a job and I may be forced into an entirely new field in order to pay the bills. Although if that's the case I can only hope that it's not long before I'm explaining to my new boss why he needs a data warehouse and why I'm the man to build it for him.

    All I can do is get as much knowledge under my belt as I can and hope for the best.

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
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  • I currently work from home as a data architect and can't imagine a better job from that perspective. But I don't feel I am doing as much development as I would like it is 80% bug fixing and enhancements 20% development. Also I would like to do something else 35 years of computer development seems like enough.

    But I also see myself getting bored with something else and I think I am really good at development and enjoy working with users to make their work easier using software I created. I talk about quitting technology but wonder if there is something else out there for me that I would like better.

    What I may do I try and pass my technical knowledge onto others that want to become developers. That way I am still in technology, maybe don't have the pressures I have today, but am still helping others and have that sense of enjoyment.

  • 15-25 years of freelancing to go. I have no plans to stop yet. Life may have other plans ๐Ÿ˜‰


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  • I just turned 60 and I started in IT on DOS2.1 in 1985. I'm getting pretty close, but I've spent the last 7 years as an Oracle/MSSQL DBA and those have been the best years of my career. I think this is an exciting time to be a SQL Server DBA. We just started a local PASS chapter and I just got back from DevIntersection in Las Vegas. The burgeoning sense of community among the MSSQL database community is exciting. I'm making my final preparations for retirement but I'm not ready to go out into the garden just yet.

    This will be my last full-time IT job though. I can see consulting during a semi-retirement but we'll have to see.

  • I'm 65 and will probably be working here for the forseeable future. And there's another guy a bit older hanging around in this department as well.


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