The Login dialog box appears repeatedly when I try to View reports.

  • I installed SSRS 2000 Developer Edition on my local machice using only the standard defaults for ReportServer name, (NT Authority, service account), etc.

    I am to open Report Manager and I can deploy/upload reports. But, when I try to View a report, the Login dialog box appears asking me to log in to my machine. The title bar of the the Login dialog displays "Login to ".

    I can't get past this point. My windows login doesn't work, I've tried everything I can think of including numerous user account changes with RSConfig, then deleting and reinstalling SSRS repeatedly to correct the screw-ups. I checked IIS properties for both the RS databases to make sure they're set for Windows integrated access. I've searched the net for clues.

    I could sure use some help on this one.

  • Check your browser settings:

    Tools -> InternetOptions -> Security -> Custom Level -> Make the User Authentication as Anonymous Login

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  • Also check the properties of the two virtual folders in the IIS and uncheck the 'Anonymious Login'

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  • Thanks for trying, I appreciate your effort. It changed a bit, but I still can't open View reports.

    My browser was set for Automatic login only in Intranet zone. I changed it to Anonymous Access.

    I checked the IIS properties of the two sites, both had Anonymous unchecked. (BTW, if I check them, Report Manager opens to HOME only - I can't see my folders or my reports within the folders.)

    However, the behavior has changed - it no longer asks for Login, it just generates a Not Authorized error (HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration

    Internet Information Services).

    Something else that seems strange, the Anonymous browser setting changes after I open Report Manager. Before I open RM, it's Anonymous, after I open RM it reverts to Automatic login only in Intranet zone. If I change it back to Anonymous before I try to view the report, I get the same result, 401.2.

    Again, thanks for giving it a try.



  • Have you checked the log files? SSRS will prompt for authentication if the server runs out of memory while generating a report.

  • Try checking the security settings on your Report server. Go to "http://localhost/Reports". Click on "Site settings" in the upper right corner. On the site settings page, look toward the bottom and Click on "Configure Site-wide security". Make sure that BUILTIN/Administrators is listed.

    You can edit this and add your DOMAIN/username if you are not an Administrator on the server/ your machine. OR you could change it by clicking the system user role but this will allow anyone logging into the Report Server to be an admin.

    One of the best things to do is make sure your account is added to the reportserver as an admin. SSRS reads security the same way as SQL Server.

  • I checked the log files, nothing unusual there.

    I added my windows login to the System Role Assignments. Builtin\Administrators was there already.

    My user name was already in the ReportServer db, I put it there when I first encountered the problem. It's also in TempDB.

    The result is the same. I can do everything except run a report. As soon as I click the report name, I get the login dialog -Connect to . And nothing that I put in that dialog is good enough for SSRS.

    Thanks a lot for giving this a try guys. I think I'm going to try to find another way to test my reports.

  • You can try to use SSRS 2005. I had the same problem with my SSRS 2005 reports when some one checked the anonymous login in the IIS folders. I fixed it by unchecking them.

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  • I am an idiot.

    The problem you are seeing is with your data source. You need to make sure that the login information works for that data source from the report server.

    I usually change the dps settings after publishing reports and make sure that it is the sa account not the user account that runs the reports.

    Then I make sure that overwrite data source is my default so I do not have to reconfigure each time.

    Go into the data source and change the settings so that it uses a sttic account NOT a user account to login the server and your problem should be resolved.


  • Sorry I can't type today.

    I make sure that overwrite datasource is NOT the default setting for the project.

    static account not sttic account...


  • Thanks Sabrina. I tried your suggestion and more, nothing helped. It doesn't seem like the process is getting that far.

    I tried all the credetials options in the datasource, including Windows NT Integrated and Credentials Not Required (why doesn't THAT work?), but nothing helped. The Login dialog pops and asks me to "Connect to (My Computer Name)".

  • I know this is a late reply but I recently encountered this issue after upgrading SQL SERVER 2005 to sp2.

    What finally solved it was the reporting services configuration manager on the host machine.

    START > Programs > sql server 2005 > configuration tools > reporting services configuration.

    Select the "report manager virtual directory" item and check the box next to apply default settings, then the apply button at the bottom. This fixed it.

    As far as my issue was concerned, going into IIS is barking up the wrong tree. Be careful not to mess with things in there as you can create more problems. Un-check 'allow anonymous access' and enable windows authentication in the (((anonymous access ) directory security) website properties). Please excuse my LISP style here, I certainly would not touch the ASP.NET tab also.


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