The Lost Time

  • If a political candidate proposed eliminating Daylight Saving Time, it would prove to have a broader base of support than would a border wall, gun control, or free college tuition.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • In that same vein, why not get rid of time zones altogether?  Why does 12:00pm have to represent the sun's highest point in the sky to the whole world?  It wouldn't take long (at max, a generation) before everyone has there own "high noon".

  • thisisfutile - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:20 AM

    In that same vein, why not get rid of time zones altogether?  Why does 12:00pm have to represent the sun's highest point in the sky to the whole world?  It wouldn't take long (at max, a generation) before everyone has there own "high noon".

    Lots of people don't stay in the same time zone.  I've lived in ET, CT, South Korea Time, Greenwich Mean time (or whatever the time zone in the UK is called), and Central European Time.  It helps to know noon is noon.  This idea would never work.

  • "split the difference"  Now your thinking like me. 😀

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • thisisfutile - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:20 AM

    In that same vein, why not get rid of time zones altogether?  Why does 12:00pm have to represent the sun's highest point in the sky to the whole world?  It wouldn't take long (at max, a generation) before everyone has there own "high noon".

    There have been attempts at this from time to time through history. Always failed.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • 4 hours after 10pm is not that hard to calculate, regardless of what the clock says.
    I don't find daylight savings technically problematic. However, the leap second? - that one really sucks for my work.


    The (supposed) reasoning behind it is just stupid. I was taught it was to allow the farmers to have more daylight. Whatever. Nobody cares, and I would bet that includes the alleged farmers this is supposed to benefit!

    As to medical devices, unfortunately a lot of devices are not updated automatically. GE, for example, requires you to use their time server (at least as of a couple years ago), which costs something like $40,000. Why? Can't I point them to my own time server? Nope.

    Medical software? The main players in the market don't handle the time change. Most require you to shut down for two hours, although some others just have you adjust your charting. You gave the patient something at 1:15, chart it as 1:07 instead...

    Hasn't anyone heard of Universal Time?


  • I lived in Arizona for 10 years. Loved the fact that state doesn't change to Daylight Savings Time.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • I totally agree - do away with Daylight Savings Time. There are some areas in Canada that do not observe DST, mostly Saskatchewan but also parts of Quebec and British Columbia.


  • I first became acutely aware of this while working on a web app that displayed a schedule for a TV station viewed around the world via satellite. The best part?? That they also demanded that we fill the blank for the nonexistent time slots. While not doubling the slots that doubled. (I never really worked out how that was supposed to be.)  There are an incredible number of time zones in use out there each with their own rules for DST. Some exist solely to deal with DST. Others exist for purely political reasons.

    One would think that there would be some common libraries through many languages to deal with this - but at least 8 to 10 years ago such was NOT the case.

  • Eric M Russell - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:19 AM

    If a political candidate proposed eliminating Daylight Saving Time, it would prove to have a broader base of support than would a border wall, gun control, or free college tuition.

    To funny, see my post from last year:

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Hearken back to much exaggerated and feared Y2K project...

    I was responsible for assessing risk and proposing mitigation for a large hospital chain. 
    Mostly with common sense and clever programming, however the systems that had more trouble weren't the medical / patient care / imaging and dispensing but security and environmental HVAC systems.

    To minimize exposure we decided to internally sync to GMT, upgrade equipment where we could, and appoint team leaders who could grok both the care/medical vulnerability and the technical limitations - yeah sometimes it came down to counting on fingers.

    Many years before, in space science we stressed over leap-second, but that's another story...

    Tom in Sacramento For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...

  • As much as I think everyone on GMT/UTC would make sense, it's a hard cultural adjustment. Would I want to get up at 2pm and go to bed at 5am? I could, but it would mean that the evening would be a new day, which would be hard for humans to adjust to.

    I'll settle for removing DST for now.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:45 PM

    As much as I think everyone on GMT/UTC would make sense, it's a hard cultural adjustment. Would I want to get up at 2pm and go to bed at 5am? I could, but it would mean that the evening would be a new day, which would be hard for humans to adjust to.

    I'll settle for removing DST for now.

    If you are responding to me, that isn't what i meant.  I do agree with you, i would not want to do that either.

    There is no reason, however, why systems can't store time in GMT/UTC, but SHOW time in the current format. For example, the developers assigned to windows managed to get that right (although they clearly have other issues!) and are able to show currency and other items correctly based on location.  Java developers managed to handle the adjustment to when DST takes effect and get it right (if only they had some understanding of security...). Even adobe has done some good things.  So when we are talking about an industry that arguably has the greatest (or one of) responsibility to do things right, and they can't handle time changes and won't use something that works, well, that is extremely frustrating.


  • Drop DST has my vote.  Sounds like the consensus - internal GMT, display adjusted local time, forget DST with apologies to Mr Franklin. 
    Some states are going to vote on DST in the next election

    Tom in Sacramento For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...

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