The new Analytic functions in SQL Server 2012

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The new Analytic functions in SQL Server 2012

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Finally they will have what Oracle had delivered ages ago....

  • I finally see SQL Server catching up, I am so used to of Lead/Lag in DB2. It will make my life little easier. Thanks

  • WayneS (1/18/2012)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/articles/SQL+Server+2012/76704/">The new Analytic functions in SQL Server 2012</A>

    Great information, thanks for that.

    To me it was not clear immediately, what the difference between the MAX Aggregate Window Function and LAST_VALUE(X) was. In the end MAX(x) OVER (PARTITION BY y) should return the same as FIRST_VALUE(X) OVER (PARTITION BY Y, ORDER BY X DESC)

    But obviously, the MAX / MIN Aggregate Window Functions do not allow you to order your partition by a different column before applying the aggregate. (And it actually does not really make sense to impose a different order on MAX or MIN.)

    So the whole point of FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE seem to be:


    Any other points I may have missed?

    Best Regards,

    Chris BΓΌttner

  • Any idea what the performance of these things is like?

  • Good Stuff Wayne

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Great article Wayne. This is great info to have when management wants to know why we are always upgrading πŸ˜€


    Lets recall from statistics that continuous variables (PERCENTILE_CONT) are those that "cannot not be exactly counted," while discrete variables (PERCENTILE_DISC) "have an exact amount."

    PERCENTILE_CONT would be better used when performing estimation or predictive calculations, as you are trying to determine a value from a sample of data (where the entire data set is unknown).

    PERCENTILE_DISC would be better for when we need an exact measure, and the entire data set is known.

    **Note: I am not a statistician, nor an analytics guru, so hopefully someone with greater experience could shine some better light on this, or at least validate my statement.

    Hopefully this helps some trying to understand the purposes behind these functions.


  • Good article Wayne. One thing I like to see in articles like this though is how you might solve the same problem without using the new functions. Just to see how much the new functions help.

    Jack Corbett
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  • Thank you for this Wayne - I'll definitely come back to it later. I like your concise writing style with helpful examples too.

    - Mark

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. - Stephen Hawking

  • How do the newfangled Analytics functions compare with the Quirky Update method used for - among other things - creating running totals in term of performance ?

  • Thanks - this is a great summary.

  • Nice article, very helpful. It's nice to see articles like this with examples. Definitely helps to prove to others why upgrades are needed. πŸ™‚

  • Christian Buettner-167247 (1/19/2012)

    WayneS (1/18/2012)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/articles/SQL+Server+2012/76704/">The new Analytic functions in SQL Server 2012</A>

    Great information, thanks for that.

    To me it was not clear immediately, what the difference between the MAX Aggregate Window Function and LAST_VALUE(X) was. In the end MAX(x) OVER (PARTITION BY y) should return the same as FIRST_VALUE(X) OVER (PARTITION BY Y, ORDER BY X DESC)

    But obviously, the MAX / MIN Aggregate Window Functions do not allow you to order your partition by a different column before applying the aggregate. (And it actually does not really make sense to impose a different order on MAX or MIN.)

    So the whole point of FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE seem to be:


    Any other points I may have missed?


    this article only talks about the Analytic functions. You might want to look at my previous article The OVER Clause enhancements in SQL Server code named β€œDenali”, CTP3[/url].

    Basically, the MIN/MAX functions DO allow you to order your partition by a different column. But let's talk about this "over there"... it's more appropriate there.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • RichB (1/19/2012)

    Any idea what the performance of these things is like?

    Did you click on that "TSQL Challenges Winner" icon in my signature? (Well, that is using the aggregate functions and not the analytic, but I believe them to be similar.)

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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