The New Office

  • They're for some developers. I know plenty of developers that have done well sharing space with 1, 2, or more others in an open environment. I've had developers that wanted lights off, and those that would work outside.

    You have to do what works best for you. Personally I would rather be in an open environment and have good headphones 🙂

  • Steve Jones - Editor (2/11/2009)

    They're for some developers. I know plenty of developers that have done well sharing space with 1, 2, or more others in an open environment. I've had developers that wanted lights off, and those that would work outside.

    You have to do what works best for you. Personally I would rather be in an open environment and have good headphones 🙂

    Best environment I've had was when I spent a few months squirreled away in the server room. Back then it was an odd room stuff with 3 racked servers (with an amazing 42GB of DASD) and about 40 glorified P133's.

    I would close the door, and the ambient sound from all those fans would drown out the howling, laughter, crying, yelling, and such. Yes, this was dot com boom times. Oh, and I would on occasion shut off the lights. The waste light from all of the equipment would keep it functional for me. I have never figured out why people need so much light to operate. Must be people just aren't comfortable enough in their surroundings.

    Now I'm in the "respectable" financial world. Very rigid, no variation in workspaces. Lights are on all the time. Sit in a formal cell, etc. It was 6 years ago that ties became optional, 3 years ago we got them to allow for headphones in IT. Still verboten outside of technology.

    Work outside? Sounds great, but I know I would seek the first opportunity and bolt. People have commented, "You should go walk to X for lunch, it's beautiful outside." If I walked outside, I wouldn't come back in.

    Anyone remember Wink Martendale in that old music video (cant remember the song or group), he's dressed up like some neo-nazi in a bus, slamming his gloved fist into his hand while repeating over and over "No Rock n Roll".... I get that impression of management.

    Honor Super Omnia-
    Jason Miller

  • The culture definitely matters more than the physical arrangement, but I like open spaces more than closed. No clausterphobia or anything like that, I just like to be able to look up and see something that's significantly further away than my screen.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

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