The Number of commands in the Distribution DB waiting to be applied is NOT going down.

  • The Number of Commands in the Distribution DB waiting to be Applied to the Subscriber is NOT going down and the and the Estimated Time to Apply These Commands hasn't changed from 00:15:08 in the past hour. And yes, I've Refreshed numerous times.

    What's up?

  • wjones21 (6/5/2008)

    The Number of Commands in the Distribution DB waiting to be Applied to the Subscriber is NOT going down and the and the Estimated Time to Apply These Commands hasn't changed from 00:15:08 in the past hour. And yes, I've Refreshed numerous times.

    What's up?

    If you are using transactional replication this means that your distribution agent is not delivering the transactions for some reason. It could be many things, for example:

    -Agent is not running or disabled

    -All transactions were performed in one single large modification and therefore is taking a long time to commit on the replica.

    -There is contention on the Distribution database due to other agents activity and your agent is timing out.

    ... and I could go on and on ...

    So at least you should start with the above to verify such thing.

    * Noel

  • Thank you! I will start there.

  • Also, if you have more than one subscriber, the commands don't go down until ALL subscribers have gotten them.

  • Nope, just one subscriber.

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