The Oscars

  • Although it is kind of depressing, I'd highly recommend "The Wrestler". Very well done and realistic, just a really good movie.

  • I managed to catch some good flicks recently.

    Grand Torino 4.5 / 5

    Doubt 3/5

    Defiance 4/5

    Hancock 4/5

    Walle 5/5

    Kung Fu Panda 4/5

    The one that really changed my life though is Fireproof. While the movie is overtly religious and dramaticly a bit wishy washy it will undoubtedly end up being a permanent fixture on O or LMN networks, it's made me reexamine my marriage and my life, both for the good.


  • Films seen this year:

    Spirit (1/10) *

    The reader (8/10)

    Bedtime stories (6/10)

    Role models (6/10)

    Bride wars (7/10)

    Defiance (9/10)

    7 pounds (9/10)

    Slumdog millionaire (8/10)

    The wrestler (9/10)

    Valkyrie (8/10)

    We left Spirit after 10 minutes.

    There is no problem so great that it can not be solved by caffeine and chocolate.
  • I highly recommend Fireproof. It just came out on DVD.

    I also enjoyed Kung Fu Panda (more than Wall-E, personally) for watching with the kids.

    And I will echo that I wasn't that impressed by The Dark Knight.

    Steve Eckhart

  • Juno and Dark Knight were both really good.

    I saw The Day the Earth Stood Still (the remake), but it wasn't worth seeing.

  • Slumdog Millionaire sounds like a downer and it has its sad, brutal parts. But it is also uplifting and one of the best movies I've seen. Milk was good--I enjoyed it much more than I thought and the last Batman movie was good pure entertainment. Have a great vacation!!

  • I didn't see many movies this year, but one that actually was a lot better than I thought would be is Seven Pounds. Dark Knight was good but not sure it's worth all the hype surrounding it. I thought Iron Man was more entertaining.

  • If we're talking about all-time favourites, then can I mention a few lesser-known films;


    Fight Club

    Very specialised ones, so I won't be surprised if there's plenty of people who don't like one or both, but I'd rate them as my all-time top two, (though the order does vary depending on mood).

    Children films, however, you can't go wrong with any of Pixar's outputs, (only Ratatouille disappointed me slightly - though compared to their other ones, this is hardly heavy criticism).


  • I Am Legend with Will Smith was VERY good too. Not for kids probably. Post apocalyptic kind of show but good.

  • Could just be recency bias, but I highly recommend Gran Torino. Not for the wee little kids, but excellent for the adults. Clint Eastwood is ridiculously good in it, and as a midwesterner, it was nice to see people that looked like us on screen (the casting is spot on).

    Did see Benjamin Button, and it was interesting, and a good show of how far our ageing & blue screen technologies have come.

    Rachel Getting Married was well acted, though just as messy in its plot as real life is.

    Revolutionary Road is like a horror flick for the youngish married set - the fight scenes were all too real. A movie that made me think, but not something I have the strength to see again.

  • This year for movies was dry until recently. There were movies I hoped to like and those I expected to be neutral on. So surprises for me include:

    Must See:

    Slumdog Millionaire - I hesitated to see this and it is a gem. Creative story, excellent performances, loved the soundtrack, etc.

    Hoped to Like and Did:

    Wall-E (I Loved It)

    Iron Man (Loved It)

    Dark Knight

    Curious Case of Benjamin Button

    Burn After Reading (always like Coen Brothers)

    Sex and the City

    Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

    Vicky Cristina Barcelona

    Man on a Wire (Excellent Documentary)



    Tropic Thunder

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall (really funny)


    The Pineapple Express

    The Incredible Hulk

    Mamma Mia


    Ghost Town

    Zack and Miri Make a Porno

    Vantage Point

    Hellboy - The Golden Army

  • I can't believe there is no mention of Son of Rambo... charming, warm, funny (laugh out loud lots) thoroughly recommended to all.

    Do yourself a favour and get the DVD!

  • Slumdog Millionaire gets my vote. There are some depressing parts, but it's not a "downer" overall. It's creative, very well done and insightful. Hurray for Bollywood!

  • Slumdog Millionaire

  • Recommended:

    You Don't Mess with the Zohan

    Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    Get Smart (Surprisingly funny)


    Burn after Reading

    Ghost Town

    Nights in Rodanthe

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