The process could not bulk copy into table

  • kindly help related this issue

    * i m using WAN connection

    * Snap shot Transactional replication

    * default Agent Profile

    Muhammad Rizwan Abid
    System Analyst

  • A little more information required really. One of the usual problems here is that a large table can cause the bulk copy to exceed the timeout value in the profile. If you are bulk copying large tables you probably need to significantly increase the value.

    Also, is your Snapshot agent not throwing any error message which might give a clue?

  • No error on snapshot agent..

    yes i have few tables in large size..

    Muhammad Rizwan Abid
    System Analyst

  • Check the value of the Query Timeout parameter in your Distribution Agent profile. You probably need to increase it significantly. If you are using the Default profile you will need to create a new User profile since you cannot change the values of the Default profile, well not via the GUI anyway. Having created the new profile, click on the radio button for you new profile and then stop and start your distribution agent so that it picks up the new settings. I am surprised that the distribution agent isn't giving a little more information though.

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