The quest to become a DBA - the route to take

  • So, I have started a few threads here asking some questions about items I am trying to learn in SQL server. I have also read quite a few threads in here on several topics.

    I don' want this to be another "What do I need to get help on becoming a DBA" thread. More of, I wanted to put down some information to help better understand on to understand how to become a good DBA and understand concepts.

    I jumped at the opportunity to start working with databases at my company about 2-3 weeks ago. My company is primarily a Oracle shop, but SQL is steadily increasing as a number of apps we need, require SQL as the backend piece. Since we did not have any Microsoft SQL guys on hand, I took the opportunity to. In the end, my shop will be probably 65-70% Oracle, the rest Microsoft. I have been told if I keep on this path, I will work with both databases.

    I went out and bought the SQL Server 2005 Bible by Paul Nielsen to help me get started. I have read quite a few things and learned quite a bit. I am comfortable in Studio and running some queries.

    However, what I have learned is that in order to understand some of the concepts, I need a better understanding of databases. I understand a lot of things, but do not know where to look. For example, indexes. I know what they are for and why you need them, but thats about it.

    So im wondering if I need to take a couple of steps back and understand database architecture a little more? Stuff like primary keys, foreign keys etc. etc. Maybe that might help me when im trying to learn new things and understand it as I am working on tasks.

    I wanted to get some feedback here on what the thought process is on that.

    Its funny. I am trying to soak up as much as i can (and I love learning SQL) using BOL, the book and my lab environment. I have learned a lot, but feel I have skipped over some things which is making the learning curve a little harder due to the fact I do not fully understand some concepts.

    I have been pouring over articles here when I come across items I am interested in. There is a lot of information out there and the more I can learn, the better.

    I'll start with that and see where it leads.

    Appreciate it.


  • Hi,

    I was like you few years back some where in 2001. I was like working on SQL Server & Oracle at the same time. I started my career as Database developer and understood the database concepts and then slowly migrated to learn things from Pure hardcore & advanced database concepts & developing Database code blocks. After this slowly moved to DBA and mastered the DBA and then moved to Designing the databases that includes Logical & Physical model and then moved to design over database architecture for high-performance application. Right now i am as a Database Architect with all the skills.

    Dont ristrict yourself to DBA, there is a world out there in Database.

    Thanks -- Vj

  • Database design and indexing design is a tough topic and it takes time to get it right. Two books that you might want to add to your library are Inside TSQL Querying & Inside the Storage Engine, both from Microsoft Press. The first, written by Itzik Ben-Gan, is a great exploration of the power of set based processing available to you in TSQL. The other is all about the internals by Kalen Delaney.

    Neither of these will specifically tell you which index is right for your system, but a better understanding of good querying and SQL internals will help you pick the right indexes.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey (2/7/2008)

    Database design and indexing design is a tough topic and it takes time to get it right. Two books that you might want to add to your library are Inside TSQL Querying & Inside the Storage Engine, both from Microsoft Press. The first, written by Itzik Ben-Gan, is a great exploration of the power of set based processing available to you in TSQL. The other is all about the internals by Kalen Delaney.

    Neither of these will specifically tell you which index is right for your system, but a better understanding of good querying and SQL internals will help you pick the right indexes.

    Appreciate the help. I will take a look at both of those.

    I am the type of person that really wants to understand how things work. If there is something I do not understand, I make it a point to understand it. I know I have a lot to learn still. 🙂

    Right now, Im just reading through BOL almost from the start, getting a overview of everything.

    I'll keep plugging away.

    Its always good to exercise the brain. 😀

  • It sounds to me like you're on the right path.

    I got into databases from a background in sales and marketing, and an education in management and executive function. (It's a long story; the short version is I was doing sales and needed something to keep track of my customers and their orders, so I built a database, and now I'm a full-time DBA and haven't touched sales in about 6 years.)

    To help give some structure to what you're studying:

    A table structure that actually holds the data the business needs is the most important thing

    Backups and recovery come second

    Normalization comes after that

    Procs that work on sets and use parameters are after that

    Indexes and constraints are after that

    Keep in mind that all the performance in the world, and the best indexes in the universe, and perfect constraints, and well-written procs, don't mean anything at all if the database doesn't hold the data the business needs in a useable form.

    Emphasize that first, and second, and everything else after that, and you'll do well in prioritizing what to study and why.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • I just remembered. There's this great book by Craig Mullins called Database Administration. It doesn't dwell on technology, but goes over general concepts quite well. I'd recommend that one too.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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