The Slow Week

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Slow Week

  • It's not a slow week for me. As one of the technical staff working this week , I'm one of the folks keeping an eye on data processing, ETL jobs etc. The colder weather is causing a bit of havoc on the large power grid in the area, so a bit of baby-sitting of the UPS and other systems is also in order. Plus we do have clients working this week, they do get a wild hair, call and want to talk about projects. Not to mention the backlog of projects on the infinite todo list.

    I did get a chance of the weekend at home to setup Windows 10 Pro, VS, and SQL Server 2017 on one of the surplus workstations that the company gave out. (Spent more time cleaning the extra crud that "Consumer Microsoft" added to the OS than I did configuring the tools that "Engineering  Microsoft"  is producing.) Need to spend time in the new SSMS and such. Was interesting to note that the Anaconda distribution of Python was the one Microsoft included.

    So I have more to keep up with on the Windows side of things, the good thing is that many I already know from Linux. Except for PowerShell, still not comfortable with it, not enough time.

  • The week between Christmas and New Year's has rarely been a slow week for me.  For most of my career, I was in fund-raising, and that week was one of the busiest, because of people making last minute gifts before the end of the tax year.

    This year, I am involved in processing the final payroll of the year.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • It's never slow for me.  I always work between the holidays so that the "kids that have kids" can spend time with their kids.  It's also the week the everyone realizes that they haven't met their commitments for the year and everyone wants everything done that week.  For those rare times where that's not been true, it's time for me to work on pet projects that I normally don't have the time to work on.  Things like data archive projects, improving stats runs by determining which stats are actually being used (no simple chore there), making improvements in my own system reporting code (my morning reports for the systems), etc, etc.

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  • It feels like I'm on vacation...... but still in the office. Nothing to fix, nothing to document, no new servers..... 🙁

  • wreiman 78397 - Wednesday, December 27, 2017 9:40 AM

    It feels like I'm on vacation...... but still in the office. Nothing to fix, nothing to document, no new servers..... 🙁

    And (almost) no co-workers around.

    Luis C.
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