The WFH Challenges

  • We are being asked to work at home thru March 27.  Then I think they want us to switch off with 50% in the office 50% work from home for awhile.

    Leaving on a trip later this month, not really worried about getting the virus.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    Mike, I appreciate you wanting to soldier on, but it's not just about you. Certainly we wouldnt' want you to get sick, but what if you get sick and expose someone else? What if they have larger issues?

    Don't be too tough here and forget the bigger picture.

    I get that - but we have about 10 of our developers working from home at the first government notice... they are being talked about as "lazy" and "taking the first chance to stay at home in their pyjamas"

    work ethic and reputation is also a factor (as well as the health of everyone around you)


  • below86 wrote:

    We are being asked to work at home thru March 27.  Then I think they want us to switch off with 50% in the office 50% work from home for awhile.

    Leaving on a trip later this month, not really worried about getting the virus.

    WFH extended through April 2, expect it will be extended again.

    Trip was canceled :-(, The country we were traveling to closed their borders and airline cancelled the flights.

    A little bummed since I should be sitting on a beach with a cold drink in my hand right now.  Maybe I'll just get the cold drink and look back at previous trips to get me bye for now.  🙂

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • My ex-wife just started working from home the middle of last week.  I helped her set up her home office space. Her computer from work is a cute little Dell Optiflex.  I can hold it in one hand.  She is hoping when the WFH phase is over she gets to continue working from home.  She did did it for over seven years when our kids were younger (i.e. living at home).  She was very successful at it and is looking forward to doing it again on a regular basis.


  • I'm with your ex; I hope that when this crisis is over, that I'll be able to work from home, at least part of the time.


  • It will be interesting to see what happens when this whole mess is over.  All the employees who've been told "we can't have you work from home, {insert bogus reason invented by management here}" who now discover that said reason is bogus and have evidence to back it up.

    Companies are potentially either going to "suck it up" and institute formalized WFH policies (heck, my wife who's a receptionist has been WFH'ing, the only reason to go into the office is to cover the front desk as well) or they're going to try to go back to the status quo.  In the latter case, I can see them losing staff to employers who said "yeah, OK, WFH is a thing and can be done by our staff."

  • The (large) company that I work for was actively starting to do away with WFH just as this whole Coronavirus thing happened.  Obviously they've had to put a halt to that.

    The reasons that management gave generally revolved around what they term, "Agile Collaboration".  They feel that more work will get done if everyone is sitting at the same table in the same room.  Their vision is to have people "hotel" by working from whatever seat happens to be available in a large room on any given day.  Nobody would be allowed to have a dedicated space that's "theirs".

    Seems that most (but not all) of the IT people that work here disagree with management on this.  Reasons generally mentioned are office noise, workplace distractions, time lost to commuting that would otherwise be productive, and of course the recent health concerns.  In the cases of many teams (such as mine) we have people all over the world, and making individuals sit in an on-prem "hotel space" isn't going to increase collaboration at all.

  • I bet it's a split, but we get more WFH options. once companies see some things work, they will. I also think orgs will struggle to say Lynn's ex can work from home, but Lynn can't because he's less productive. Lots of legal challenges, but also likely some split rules, and maybe tighter controls on what mgmt expects from others.


    I also think some managers will hate this and will really stress, which might mean the end of WFH for some places that were flexible.


    I'd hope that companies rethink this, especially when looking at expanding space. We're revisiting this at RG as we were due to contract for new space this year.

  • My company announced we will most likely be working from home through the end of the year.  Time to go out and buy a real desk to work from at home.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

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