There has to be an easier way to import text files

  • Yup, I'm a newbie.

    We have multiple tables created in a database it is a student database for school.

    the student table is set up as follows

    CREATE TABLE tblStudents (

         stuStudentID VARCHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY,

         stuFirstName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,

         stuLastName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

         stuMiddleInitial VARCHAR(1),

         stuMajor VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,

         stuElectives INTEGER,

         stuPreference1 VARCHAR(10),

         stuPreference2 VARCHAR(10),

         stuPreference3 VARCHAR(10),

         stuStartDate SMALLDATETIME,

         stuAddress VARCHAR(20),

         stuCity VARCHAR(20),

         stuState VARCHAR(2),

         stuZip VARCHAR(5),

         stuHomePhone VARCHAR(12),

         stuAltPhone VARCHAR(12),

         stuEmail VARCHAR(30)



    many different text files that have been exported from excel and access all with different names, but all the same structure, some with all the fields full others like below

    "923232605","JOHN","BARNWELL",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"RR 4 BOX 225-B","MELBOURNE","FL","32901","2055824346","3082572259",""

    "923232606","VICKI","WALKER",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"RR 8 BOX 175","MELBOURNE","FL","32901","2052864226","3082227830",""

    "923232607","JULIE","EBLIN",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"RT 1 BOX 296","MELBOURNE","FL","32901","2049904106","3081883401",""

    "923232608","ROBIN","MYERS",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"""RT 4, BOX 136A""","PALM BAY","FL","32950","2046943986","3081538972",""

    "923232609","SR","SLATER",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"RTE 1  BOX 50","MELBOURNE","FL","32955","2043983865","3081194543",""

    "923232610","SHAN-MEI","TSENG",,"CISPB",32,,,,1/3/2002 0:00:00,"URH 949 SHERMAN HALL","PALM BAY","FL","32907","2041023745","3080850114",""

    right now we have been using the DTS Import/Export wizard but can i make a proceedure that all i have to do is pass the filename to?

    Other tables are simular to the student table so if I see 1 proceedure i should be able to figure the rest.

    I would really like to include this proceedure in a code that i can call from VB Studio.NET to if at all possible.


  • You might want to look up 'BULK INSERT' in Books On Line (BOL) or on the web.

  • As a counterpart to the BULK INSERT idea, I would think you might also be able to do your stored procedure idea and call "BCP.. IN" from xp_cmdshell within the stored procedure.

  • Or you could create a DTS package having an activeX script component to find and assign the text filename dynamically using filesystemobjects.

  • You can also save the DTS as a Visual Basic file and include it in a VB program.

  • If you are already using, you could read and format the file in your VB program, then do all the inserts from there.  BCP with a format file would work well, too.

    There are many ways to address the problem. If you want a pure T-SQL solution, you could do something like the following:

    1. Create the UDF dbo.fFormatImportedData

    2. Create the stored procedure LoadStudentData (calls dbo.fFormatImportedData() and processes the results in a cursor)

    3. Run this code:

    --TRUNCATE TABLE tblStudents


    -- the default table is tblStudents.

    --EXEC LoadStudentData 'e:\data\data1.txt', 'tblStudents'

    EXEC LoadStudentData 'e:\data\data1.txt' 

    SELECT * FROM tblStudents

    This method is a lot slower than others because it uses several of the "taboo" methods, including cursors and dynamic SQL.  Also, it only handles inserts, not updates.  Note that the filename path is relative to the SQL Server, not your workstation.  Using the example, the server must have a folder named e:\data


    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fFormatImportedData


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fFormatImportedData


      @S varchar(1000)


    RETURNS varchar(1000)



      -- Fix null columns by changing ,, to ,'', which will only work for character and datetime data

      SET @S = Replace(@s, '"', '''')

      WHILE CharIndex(',,', @S) > 0

        SET @S = Replace(@s, ',,'  , ','''',')

      -- Fix datetime value by adding quotes

      -- Find this character combination:  <,><digit> to locate beginning of datetime value

      -- Extract token (the datetime), up to the next comma.

      -- Make sure the token contains a colon as a doublecheck

      -- Add quotes around the datetime in the source string

      DECLARE @cpos1 int, @cpos2 int

      SET @cpos1 = PatIndex('%,[0-9]%', @S)

      WHILE @cpos1 > 0


        SET @S = Stuff(@s, @cpos1 + 1, 0, '''')

        SET @cpos2 = CharIndex(',', @S, @cpos1 + 1)

        IF @cpos2 > 0

          SET @S = Stuff(@s, @cpos2, 0, '''')

        -- Process next date, if present

        SET @cpos1 = PatIndex('%,[0-9]%', @S)

      END --WHILE

      RETURN @S



    DROP PROCEDURE LoadStudentData


    CREATE PROCEDURE LoadStudentData


      @filename varchar(300)

    , @table varchar(50)= 'tblStudents'



      DECLARE @bulkInsertCmd varchar(2000)

            , @insertStmt varchar(2000)


      -- Load the data into a staging table as a single character string


      IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'TempStudentImportTable') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

        DROP TABLE TempStudentImportTable

      CREATE TABLE TempStudentImportTable


        line varchar(2000)



      IF @filename LIKE '%[=;]%' OR @filename LIKE '%--%'


         -- the filename contains invalid characters:'

         SET @filename = NULL

         RAISERROR ( 'Bad filename passed to uspAERS_LoadDataFile: %s', 10, 1, @filename)


      SET @bulkInsertCmd = 'BULK INSERT TempStudentImportTable FROM ''' + @filename + ''' WITH ('

                         + 'CODEPAGE = ''RAW'' , DATAFILETYPE = ''char'' ,'

                         + ' FIELDTERMINATOR = '','' , ROWTERMINATOR = ''\n'' , FIRSTROW = 1 )'

      EXEC (@bulkInsertCmd)


      -- Convert the data into INSERT statements, then execute one-by-one



         SELECT 'INSERT tblStudents VALUES ( ' + dbo.fFormatImportedData(t.line) + ' )'

           FROM TempStudentImportTable t

      OPEN src

      FETCH NEXT FROM src INTO @insertStmt



        EXEC (@insertStmt)

        FETCH NEXT FROM src INTO @insertStmt

      END -- WHILE

      CLOSE src

      DEALLOCATE src

      DROP TABLE TempStudentImportTable


  • You could also call a BCP command using the exec master..xp_cmdshell from within a procedure and pass the file names to it.....something along these lines....


    declare @sql varchar(512), @filename varchar(50)


    set @filename = 'C:\Your_Folder\tblStudents.txt'


    set @sql = 'bcp pubs..tblStudents in ' + @filename + ' -t, -c'


    exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

  • The BULK INSERT did the trick for what I first intended, then as indicated above, have VB.NET do the rest if the imports from now on... Thanx alot guys.


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