They Call Me Andy Null

  • CavyPrincess - Friday, June 9, 2017 5:45 AM

    Andy - Perhaps we are long-lost relatives...

    Cindy NULL (per various junk mail)

    Thanks, Andy, for the laugh on a Friday.

    Can you even imagine the number of family members?  Pretty soon, you'll be able to start your own country.  You'd have to require two conflicting pieces of identification, one of them being a piece of mail addressed to you...kind of.

  • n.ryan - Friday, June 9, 2017 3:44 AM

    Marvellous. I now feel a strange need to start putting my last name as NULL in all the tedious places that I'm required to enter personal details for no benefit to me.

    Heh - Now that's a cool idea.  I wish I'd thought of it.

  • Where irrelevant information is requested besides a nom-de-plume I give a valid address where the road has had no houses since the implementation of a traffic scheme left only 50' between a roundabout and a T-junction. I wonder if the postman ever gets any junk mailto deliver?  🙂

  • mjh 45389 - Monday, June 12, 2017 8:36 AM

    Where irrelevant information is requested besides a nom-de-plume I give a valid address where the road has had no houses since the implementation of a traffic scheme left only 50' between a roundabout and a T-junction. I wonder if the postman ever gets any junk mailto deliver?  🙂

    I like it! I may use that idea in the future. I know of a short road which joins two housing estates and has never (in 60+ years) contained any houses and is not likely to. 😉

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