Time data type and negative TimeSpan values?

  • Hi

    I am busy working on a windows application to log working times of staff. The application is being developed using C# with SQL Server 2008 as the backend.

    I have a [NetTime] column (Time data type) in my table in the database. I get the TimeSpan value by subtracting the official working hours and the actual working hours. This TimeSpan value can be positive or negative. I would like to store this value in the [NetTime] column, but the Time data type does not accept negative values.

    What is the usual way of dealing with this problem? I will need to do calculations with the values in this column, for example to calculate the net or total time a staff member worked overtime or not.

    Thank you.


  • The difference between two times isn't a time, it's a quantity. You could use an integer datatype to store the number of minutes difference between the two times - easily resolved out to hours and minutes difference.

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  • Both of these works, just figure out for yourself if the value fits better as an integer or a float/decimal.

    declare @Datetime1 as datetime = getdate(),

    @Datetime2 as datetime = dateadd(mi,-20,getdate())

    select datediff(s,@Datetime1,@Datetime2 ),

    CAST(@Datetime2 - @Datetime1 as float)

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  • The Time data type is not a timespan. It's a point in time. So 04:30 is half past 4 in the morning, not a duration of 4 hours 30 min. If you want to store time durations, use an integer and decide at what granularity you want to store the time duration at (seconds, minutes, hours, etc)

    Gail Shaw
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  • Hi

    Thank you for the replies. I am now busy changing my application to implement the changes.

    Kind regards.


  • There would be a good argument for implementing this as a computed column (possibly persisted or indexed depending on it's use) if it will always be calculable based on other data in the same row?


    Alter Table MyTable

    ADD MyColumn as DATEDIFF(Minute, Column1,Column2)

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