time format conversion

  • if datediff is used to give no of milliseconds b/w dateA and dateB. How can this be converted in 00:00:00 format. I don't want to display date.

  • Try this:


    @dateA datetime,

    @dateB datetime,

    @baseDate datetime

    set @dateA = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.205'

    set @dateB = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.209'

    set @baseDate = '07/04/1923 00:00:00.000'

    select convert(char(12), dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, @dateA, @dateB), @baseDate), 114)

    Bear in mind that the minimum difference will be 3 ms (as demo'd above)...



  • Thanks R2ro

  • Just so's ya know...

    The date chosen for the base date (@baseDate) is unimportant except that it must be in range. The important part is the time component of the base date. You may want to consider selecting a 'standard' base date (e.g. 1/1/1900 or 1/1/1753) until SQL2008 is available. It has separate (and various) date and time datatypes.

  • Thanks R2ro

    Appreciate your support.

  • declare

    @dateA datetime,

    @dateB datetime,

    @baseDate datetime

    set @dateA = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.205'

    set @dateB = '11/26/2007 13:27:53.209'

    set @baseDate = '07/04/1923 00:00:00.000'

    select convert(char(11),dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, @dateA, @dateB), @baseDate),114)

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