Time out error message in Analysis services

  • I am trying to process a dimension but everytime Analysis services goes to count the members it times out.  Can anyone help.  Is there a time-out setting and what else can I do to improve the performance so that Analysis services does not time out.

    Thanks for all your assitance!

    Best Regards,


  • Are you creating the dimension from the fact table or from a separate table/view?  I've run into this when dimensions are sourced from the fact table (normally a view for me) and that view is complex and takes some time to return results.  If you are sourcing the dimension members from the fact table, I would suggets trying to make the dimension separately and using this to create/populate the dimension.

    Also check your Connect Timeout and General Timeout properties for the datasource.  You may be able to increase these to a level that will allow data to flow back from the server before timing out.


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