Time Zones

  • I have a web based time clock program I'm creating. I want to store the time of the in and out punches of the employees in a format that is determined based on the location the person is punching in and out at. We have locations in three different time zones.

    1. How would I store the time for the punch?
    2. Would I use the server time as the time?
    3. Would I store the time in GMT time?
    4. When I do a Query how do I get the accurate time back?

    Thanks, John


    John C Marx

  • If you want to store time accurate to the minute then use SMALLDATETIME otherwise use DATETIME.

    If the various locations are in the same country as the server  then use the server time but make sure that the server time is accurate, otherwise use the time from the punching device.  Again make sure the punching device is accurate.

    The need to store in GMT time depends on your requirements.  If you have some convoluted overtime system then I would store the punching date time and the timezone of the punch.  This will let you convert the datetime to any format you need.



  • I agree on smalldatetime for this.

    And I would use GMT in your tables.  Does not matter what your server time or timezone is, as long as it is accurate.  You can use getutcdate() to get current GMT datetime at time of insert/update. 

    Only remaining problem is how to convert from GMT to local time when displaying it.  For this you need to know GMT offset required to convert to a location's local time.

    Very simple design is add GMTOffset and UsesDST columns to your location table, and manually populate these with correct info.  Example of this is below.

    More general-purpose design can be based on zipcode-based timezone data.  Purchase such a table, then map from location zipcode to this new table in your UDF.  UDF params remain the same.  Purchased data relieves you of having to maintain large qty of varied GMT and DST information.  I have purchased such data cheaply before, not sure if it can be found for free or not.  You could also build & populate your own table that is granular to the state/province, but this will not account for within-state DST exceptions, and there are some.

    All these simple approaches are only good for US (and maybe Canada)--most countries have different rules for when and if DST applies.  If you need to address more countries, the algorithm in the UDF needs to grow considerably.  They also only applies to recent and future data; US DST criteria have changed a couple times in my lifetime.

    PS - In general I am opposed to UDFs in SQL2K just because they perform so poorly.  But here I do not see good alternative.

    create table Location


     ID  int   not null identity(1, 1) primary key clustered,

     [Name]  varchar(30) not null,

     State  char(2)  not null,

     GmtOffset smallint not null,

     UsesDST  tinyint  not null



    insert Location([Name], State, GmtOffset, UsesDST) values ('Loc1', 'FL', -5, 1)

    insert Location([Name], State, GmtOffset, UsesDST) values ('Loc1', 'KS', -6, 1)

    insert Location([Name], State, GmtOffset, UsesDST) values ('Loc1', 'AZ', -7, 0)

    insert Location([Name], State, GmtOffset, UsesDST) values ('Loc1', 'CA', -8, 1)


    create function dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(@ID int, @dtGMT smalldatetime)

    returns smalldatetime



    declare @GmtOffset      smallint,

            @UsesDST        tinyint,

            @dtApr01        datetime,

            @dtOct25        datetime,

            @dtFirstAprSun  datetime,

            @dtLastOctSun   datetime

    --lookup info from location table

    select  @GmtOffset = GmtOffset,

            @UsesDST   = UsesDST

      from  Location

     where  ID = @ID

    --at this point either need to abort or set default value if above lookup fails

    if (@@rowcount = 0)

            return null

    --determine 1st Sunday in April and last Sunday in Oct for the specified year

    select  @dtApr01 = '04/01/' + datename(year, @dtGMT) + ' 02:00',

            @dtOct25 = '10/25/' + datename(year, @dtGMT) + ' 02:00'

    select  @dtFirstAprSun = dateadd(dd, (8 - datepart(weekday, @dtApr01)) % 7, @dtApr01),

            @dtLastOctSun  = dateadd(dd, (8 - datepart(weekday, @dtOct25)) % 7, @dtOct25)

    --if summertime & location uses GMT, add one

    if (@dtGMT between @dtFirstAprSun and @dtLastOctSun)

            set @GmtOffset = @GmtOffset + @UsesDST

    --now we have GMT offset, add that & return local time

    return dateadd(hh, @GmtOffset, @dtGMT)



    --show location GMT data

    select  * from Location


    --test DST

    declare @GMT datetime

    set @GMT = '2004-07-04 11:00'

    select  convert(char(16), @GMT, 120)                               as "GMT",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(1, @GMT), 120) as "Local(1)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(2, @GMT), 120) as "Local(2)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(3, @GMT), 120) as "Local(3)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(4, @GMT), 120) as "Local(4)"


    --test normal time

    declare @GMT datetime

    set @GMT = '2004-12-04 11:00'

    select  convert(char(16), @GMT, 120)                               as "GMT",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(1, @GMT), 120) as "Local(1)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(2, @GMT), 120) as "Local(2)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(3, @GMT), 120) as "Local(3)",

            convert(char(16), dbo.fn_ConvertToLocalTime(4, @GMT), 120) as "Local(4)"



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