Timeout always goes back to 15 seconds ...why

  • I set up an Analysis services DB and set a timeout but when I go back in it is always reset to 15.  What's up?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Which timeout value did you set?


  • Which service pack are you running? Seems to me this was an issue that was resolved in either SP2 or SP3...Are you talking about the query timeout setting?



  • I'm talking about timeout in the database setup in analysis services and not about a query timeout.   About analysis services says it is version 8.0.760 (runs on Windows 2000, Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195, Compaq).  It is a connectivity thing.  To navigate to it: 

    Step 1:  Go Into Sql Server Analysis Services.

    Step 2:  Open the tree down through the analysis services server to the database.

    Step 3:  Open Data Source folder.

    Step 4:  Right Click on Data Source, Select Edit, Go to Advanced Tab.

    In the advanced tab you will see a Connect timeout setting that always goes back to 15.

  • neat find....  annoying but neat.

    if you take a look at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/304213 , it indicates that you'll never get it to change from 15 seconds - (somewhat) typically it doesn't really tell you why

    I tried modifying my reg as per the doc but it didn't seem to make a difference for me, you could always give thta a go if you're a willing registry hacker


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