
  • I lost patience, the moment I saw "select 8" ...

    not a good day to begin with :blink:

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Good question, thanks for submitting, Honza! I agree that it was clear enough that the code was supposed to be run as a single batch.

    To the person posting that "select 8" put him/her off - I understand. I had a similar response to seeing the list of answer options (BTW, Kudos to Honza for fighting the QotD submission interface long enough to complete that LOOONNGGG list!). But they were organized wewll enough that it soon was clear that it was simply a matter of responding to eight questions on each of the eight statements.

    To the many people complaining they "lost" points - you didn't. You still have as many points as you had before, and by wasting yours and other people's time with your whining, you even earned an extra point. (Can someone please give Steve an entry-level book about raising kids? You know, one that explain you should not reward unwanted behaviour?)

    And to the person who even added the word "valuable" before "points" - please tell me exactly how valuable they are to you. I'll gladly sell you mine for 50% of that. Where I work and live, those points are worth exactly nothing, so we would both benefit!

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference: https://sqlserverfast.com/epr/

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    Good question, thanks for submitting, Honza! I agree that it was clear enough that the code was supposed to be run as a single batch.

    To the person posting that "select 8" put him/her off - I understand. I had a similar response to seeing the list of answer options (BTW, Kudos to Honza for fighting the QotD submission interface long enough to complete that LOOONNGGG list!). But they were organized wewll enough that it soon was clear that it was simply a matter of responding to eight questions on each of the eight statements.

    To the many people complaining they "lost" points - you didn't. You still have as many points as you had before, and by wasting yours and other people's time with your whining, you even earned an extra point. (Can someone please give Steve an entry-level book about raising kids? You know, one that explain you should not reward unwanted behaviour?)

    And to the person who even added the word "valuable" before "points" - please tell me exactly how valuable they are to you. I'll gladly sell you mine for 50% of that. Where I work and live, those points are worth exactly nothing, so we would both benefit!

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    Thank you very much.

    Writing answers was a hard work but I use a good clipboard tool 🙂

    See, understand, learn, try, use efficient
    © Dr.Plch

  • ....

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    (.... I see the "points" but never kept track of it.. but after reading the above I never realized that people are actually desperate for this; when people mention "lost my point"... i thought they are trying to be funny, metaphorically, not literally. Didn't knew this was serious stuff until now; May be we can change it to SQL CASH POINTS.. like in any next event on SQL, a person who earned more points will get a free-book on SQL with authors sign in it or link to the pdf file to download... 😛 😎 )

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    It would be a pity if the points system were abolished due to its abuse by a minority.

    What the system needs is a means of deterring members from posting only banal comments, for example "Nice question" or "Thanks for easy question to start the week"

    A QotD rating facility, similar to the articles rating system, might eliminate much of the dross.

  • michaelhitchin (5/6/2013)

    Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    It would be a pity if the points system were abolished due to its abuse by a minority.

    What the system needs is a means of deterring members from posting only banal comments, for example "Nice question" or "Thanks for easy question to start the week"

    A QotD rating facility, similar to the articles rating system, might eliminate much of the dross.

    I don't see any problem in banal comments , such as "Thanks for the question" , "nice question" ; I think it encourages the author; whereas my post was rather incorrect - "I lost patience ..." or, actually, incomplete , since I forgot to add "Thanks for the question." or "nice question" .

    Edit : about the point system, I kind of like it. It's a good feature to have in a website or blog site.

    Another opinion, never think about the points while answering in Qotd or replying in the Forum (Blog forum or Qotd Forum).. The key is not the points but the research or brainstorming . Also, I think if anyone got the incorrect answer that is even better ; that is the time when he/she actually read the full explanation.. (always read the full explanation , it's good to leverage point of views and a valid reference.)

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • demonfox (5/6/2013)

    I don't see any problem in banal comments , such as "Thanks for the question" , "nice question" ; I think it encourages the author; whereas my post was rather incorrect - "I lost patience ..." or, actually, incomplete , since I forgot to add "Thanks for the question." or "nice question" .

    I fail to see the benefit. Why not send the author a PM if you want to thank him/her?

    I subscribe to all QotD topic, because I enjoy the discussion that comes from the subject. Occasionally, I get a whole load of notifications for old questions. In a short time frame, the same person than posts to all those topics. And in all those topics, I then see a simple thank you message. Often all using the exact same words. It is of course possible that the poster genuinely wants to thank the question author, but I think that most of these cases are simply people posting for the benefit of getting more points.

    If there were no points involved, I expect most of those posts to disappear. And some to remain. Of the remaining posts, I then will know for sure that they are sincere and not for the benefit of points. Currently, I can never know. Maybe I am too cynical, maybe I am not giving other people enough credit. The only way to find out is to abandon the points (or, as Michael Hitchin suggests in the post above, change it so that a post only gets points if it has actual technical content beyond "thank you") and see if I'm right or wrong.

    By the way - thanks, both to you and to Michael, for your responses to my rant about the points!

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference: https://sqlserverfast.com/epr/

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    demonfox (5/6/2013)

    I don't see any problem in banal comments , such as "Thanks for the question" , "nice question" ; I think it encourages the author; whereas my post was rather incorrect - "I lost patience ..." or, actually, incomplete , since I forgot to add "Thanks for the question." or "nice question" .

    I fail to see the benefit. Why not send the author a PM if you want to thank him/her?

    I subscribe to all QotD topic, because I enjoy the discussion that comes from the subject. Occasionally, I get a whole load of notifications for old questions. In a short time frame, the same person than posts to all those topics. And in all those topics, I then see a simple thank you message. Often all using the exact same words. It is of course possible that the poster genuinely wants to thank the question author, but I think that most of these cases are simply people posting for the benefit of getting more points.

    If there were no points involved, I expect most of those posts to disappear. And some to remain. Of the remaining posts, I then will know for sure that they are sincere and not for the benefit of points. Currently, I can never know. Maybe I am too cynical, maybe I am not giving other people enough credit. The only way to find out is to abandon the points (or, as Michael Hitchin suggests in the post above, change it so that a post only gets points if it has actual technical content beyond "thank you") and see if I'm right or wrong.

    By the way - thanks, both to you and to Michael, for your responses to my rant about the points!

    What do you mean ?? posting in the Qotd forum doesn't give any points .. it's only when you reply in the blog forums ..

    well, sending PM could be a good way to keep the discussion on Qotd as a proper technical discussion ..

    Edit : After posting this I checked the points, it didn't add.. it's only in blog posts.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • demonfox (5/6/2013)

    What do you mean ?? posting in the Qotd forum doesn't give any points .. it's only when you reply in the blog forums ..

    If that is the case, then this must have recently changed. And I have not seen the change announced.

    According to http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/TotalScores, I currently have 5192 total points, 1602 from posts, and 3590 from QotD answers. I hardly ever post anything outside of the QotD boards, so those 1602 posts can never be from other boards only. Most of them have to come from QotD boards. If they don't count now, they certainly HAVE counted in the past!

    And I am not the only one who beliefs that to be the case. I have lost track of how often people post in QotD boards that (a) they lost a point but post to reclaim, or that (b) someone else should stop complaining about losing a point because they reclaimed it by posting that complaint.

    EDIT: I, too, checked http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/TotalScores again after posting. It does indeed still list the same amount of points. But the box next to this post says I now have 5193 points, one more. Looks like there merely is a delay in updating http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/TotalScores

    EDIT 2: Just checked again, and this time the TotalScores page is updated as well. This confirms my theory that posts do give you a point, but there is some delay in updating that page. (Eventual consistency - NoSQL, perhaps?)

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference: https://sqlserverfast.com/epr/

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    demonfox (5/6/2013)

    What do you mean ?? posting in the Qotd forum doesn't give any points .. it's only when you reply in the blog forums ..

    And I am not the only one who beliefs that to be the case. I have lost track of how often people post in QotD boards that (a) they lost a point but post to reclaim, or that (b) someone else should stop complaining about losing a point because they reclaimed it by posting that complaint.

    EDIT: I, too, checked http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/TotalScores again after posting. It does indeed still list the same amount of points. But the box next to this post says I now have 5193 points, one more. Looks like there merely is a delay in updating http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/TotalScores%5B/quote%5D

    "I lost a point" is annoying ; not because points are useless, but for the reason that the person did use his/her valuable time- this is where valuable word is used- and made an effort to post the question.

    You are right, I didn't notice the left box; it did add up. Then, I agree with you; there is no need to have a point system in qotd discussion.

    edit: english

    edit :

    EDIT 2: Just checked again, and this time the TotalScores page is updated as well. This confirms my theory that posts do give you a point, but there is some delay in updating that page. (Eventual consistency - NoSQL, perhaps?)

    yes, It does changes- eventually.

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    Good question, thanks for submitting, Honza! I agree that it was clear enough that the code was supposed to be run as a single batch.

    To the person posting that "select 8" put him/her off - I understand. I had a similar response to seeing the list of answer options (BTW, Kudos to Honza for fighting the QotD submission interface long enough to complete that LOOONNGGG list!). But they were organized wewll enough that it soon was clear that it was simply a matter of responding to eight questions on each of the eight statements.

    To the many people complaining they "lost" points - you didn't. You still have as many points as you had before, and by wasting yours and other people's time with your whining, you even earned an extra point. (Can someone please give Steve an entry-level book about raising kids? You know, one that explain you should not reward unwanted behaviour?)

    And to the person who even added the word "valuable" before "points" - please tell me exactly how valuable they are to you. I'll gladly sell you mine for 50% of that. Where I work and live, those points are worth exactly nothing, so we would both benefit!

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    The points may not benefit anyone but what harm do they do? I think this site would be abused more if the points were really worth something. For instance, if one could receive free training or books for a certain level of points I think you would see a lot more "nice question" types of posts. You can have your opinion (obviously) but I think the points are not bad and may do some good. Also, what's the harm in telling someone "nice post" or "good question"? Some folks may not understand it but it is kind of a nice, human thing to do for others. You know, a little pat on the back can be nice sometimes.


  • Thanks for the question. Too bad it stumped me this morning...completely overlooked the batch part of it.

    Everything is awesome!

  • OCTom (5/6/2013)

    Hugo Kornelis (5/6/2013)

    Good question, thanks for submitting, Honza! I agree that it was clear enough that the code was supposed to be run as a single batch.

    To the person posting that "select 8" put him/her off - I understand. I had a similar response to seeing the list of answer options (BTW, Kudos to Honza for fighting the QotD submission interface long enough to complete that LOOONNGGG list!). But they were organized wewll enough that it soon was clear that it was simply a matter of responding to eight questions on each of the eight statements.

    To the many people complaining they "lost" points - you didn't. You still have as many points as you had before, and by wasting yours and other people's time with your whining, you even earned an extra point. (Can someone please give Steve an entry-level book about raising kids? You know, one that explain you should not reward unwanted behaviour?)

    And to the person who even added the word "valuable" before "points" - please tell me exactly how valuable they are to you. I'll gladly sell you mine for 50% of that. Where I work and live, those points are worth exactly nothing, so we would both benefit!

    And finally, to Steve - I know we've discussed this before, and I know it won't happen, but I just have to ask again. Can you please, please, please get rid of that stupid point system. The only effect I see it having is to encourage behaviour that benefits nobody.

    The points may not benefit anyone but what harm do they do? I think this site would be abused more if the points were really worth something. For instance, if one could receive free training or books for a certain level of points I think you would see a lot more "nice question" types of posts. You can have your opinion (obviously) but I think the points are not bad and may do some good. Also, what's the harm in telling someone "nice post" or "good question"? Some folks may not understand it but it is kind of a nice, human thing to do for others. You know, a little pat on the back can be nice sometimes.


    I take the points as a kind of a game. The people wanting their points are little bit childish but they are part of the community.

    And more, they lost their point for the question and they have one for the complaint.

    See, understand, learn, try, use efficient
    © Dr.Plch

  • Good question - I appreciate the QotDs that demonstrate quirky behavior.

    It bears mention that Microsoft has slated the "timestamp" syntax for deprecation in favor of "rowversion" as of SQL Server 2008R2: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182776(v=sql.105).aspx.

    Even in BOL for SQL Server 2005, Microsoft recommends using "rowversion" instead of "timestamp": http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182776(v=sql.90).aspx

    Jason Wolfkill

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