Today's Math

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Today's Math

  • I must be getting old and slow, just cannot fit the answer to today's date, took a guess for the fun of it though, no pain no gain:-D


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (5/23/2015)

    I must be getting old and slow, just cannot fit the answer to today's date, took a guess for the fun of it though, no pain no gain:-D


    Publishing this on 21st (instead of on 25th, the day it was intended for) was maybe unfair. But there wasn't any other number that looked anything like a date or a day of the month, except 27 and 25 was closer to "today" that 27, and the other two numbers could not be day of month and as day of year were miles out. So then I clicked that 25th was remembrance day and that had to be it.


  • Nice Math, thanx 🙂

  • Yeah, like Eirikur, I was a bit confused at first, since I looked at the question on the 22nd. I also wasn't sure what part of the date the number was supposed to represent, so I tried dayofyear, which didn't match anything. I also tried week, which was very close to the day of the month (the 22nd was in week 21), but didn't match any of the query results.

    Then I realized the question was intended for the 25th, and went with the right answer. 🙂

  • I was confused whether I should choose SELECT (5+20*20-70+65)/16*12-275 = 25 or,

    SELECT (1024*16-1024/15)/599 = 27.

    Finally I intent to choose 25, as its nearby to 24th.

    Scored 7 solid points.


  • A publishing error. this shouldn't have appeared until Monday.

    Reworded to say the day number.

  • Hi Steve: Can you pl post couple of QoDs on SQL Server 2014/2016 Internals in the coming days?


  • Good question. I has chosen the 1st choice only because I found 25 and I have read 25th May = Memorial Day only on last week.

    If I have got this information , I would choose 24 as it is the now day.

    My method :

    1 ==> (((5+20*20-70+65)/16)*12) - 275 = 25 ( day in a month + memorial Day )

    2 ==> ( ( 25 * 10 )+ ( 6 / 25 ) ) - 6 = 244 ( not a day in a month )

    3 ==> ( 25 + 10 ) - ( 10 * ( 2%2 ) ) = 35 ( not a day in a month )

    4 ==> ((1024 * 16 ) - ( 1024 / 15 ) ) /599 = 27 ( day in a month but why 27 is important ? )

    Nota : as I am not sure for the operators precedence I prefer always to surround my operations with () so I am avoiding errors.

    I have not used multiple T-SQL operators in a mathematical expression since 2 years , so when I chose the 1st choice , I was glad.

  • Back to the basics with a nice question.

    Happy Memorial Day!! Salute to the martyrs!!

    ______________________________________________________________Every Problem has a Solution; Every Solution has a Problem: 🙂

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • When I saw "day number" without a qualification of "month" I assumed day-of-the-year was meant. Of course, none of the answers yield 145, so my assumption was clearly false!

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

  • I'm surprised at only 74% correct.

    Happy Memorial Day to all our Veterans.

  • Ed Wagner (5/26/2015)

    Happy Memorial Day to all our Veterans.


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Thanks, interesting question.

    - webrunner

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