Toggle subreport from main report

  • Hi

    I have a subreport in a main report, that I want to toggle from a cell in the main report.

    Any ideas how I can do this?

    Many Thanks

  • You should be able to toggle it on and off by means of the visible property much like any other item, but if that isn't working for you try putting the subreport inside of a rectangle and then toggle the rectangle on/off.


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  • Hi

    You can toggle it from a cell in Main report by creating a Group over that cell in the Main Report..

  • I'm an SSRS newbe...

    I have created a report with a subreport.

    I have a column group which contains a value "EOB" for each of 12 monthly periods.

    I want to click on the EOB within which ever period and Row (IE, a cell), and have my subreport become visible with the values of the period and the EOB as parameters.

    But when I preview the report, it does not appear that any of the cells are clickable.

    How do I communicate with a click which period/eob combination to use, and then call the subreport with that vector?


    What I lack in youth, I make up for in immaturity!

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