
  • I have a SQL report implemented by someone else.

    In that report, i see tables with some details and with Expand / collapse (+/-) button

    when i see the table properties, i see the ToggleItem list populated.

    How do i see and understand this detail. I don't know how to Implement the ToggleItem.

    When I expand the tables, the header also appears with each table.

    Could you please help in understanding

  • Hi Ritesh..:)

    I am really..unable to understand your question..sorry for that... you have asked for Toggle Item..I would like to give a basic understand the same..

    See..I have 2 rows..and I want the second row to be displayed only when I click on first row...So..we can acheive using Toggle Item property..means..One item (Row) will be displayed only when I'll click on previous row...we can set Visiblility property as False and Toggle Item as the Textbox ID of that 1st row...

    Its bit complex...explanation..but try should work and you will b able to understand basic concept of Toggling...

    Rest...please explain slightly..abt your next reply..

    Thanks alot,


  • sorry about not explaining propely.

    As you said, we can set the ToggleItem as textbox id of that 1st row.

    I am trying but don't see any item in ToggleItem dropdown. Please let me know how to setup this,

  • Hi Ritesh..

    Well...this is really strange..I tried and still playing around this issue...but with no proper solution..

    Please let me knw...are you able to View Properties Tab properly..I mean..Do you see all textbox information over there in a drop down list..?? Please should show..all Report Items..over there..



  • I can see the items in ToggleItem dropdown for simple textbox.

    But in the report i am investigating, i see the toggleitem for Table properties.

    i.e. visibility -->ToggleItem.

    In the dropdown one item is "Toggle_Share_Class"

    I just want to know how this additional item comes in the ToggleItem dropdown. Since i have not used this feature before, I do not know how to define this toggleitem and how does it come in dropdown.

  • The ToggleItem property will list all of the objects (textboxes, etc.) that are available to be used in toggling the visibility of the selected object. In your case, it looks like the object used to toggle is "Toggle_Share_Class". You should be able to find this object using the Properties Window (there is a dropdown at the top that allows you to choose any object in the report).

    Does that help?


    Michael R.

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