Top 5 rows for a group

  • I have a table that contains order information. What I want to see is the last 2 orders for all accounts.

    My order table has the following columns

    order_id, account_id, order_date, order_status, etc.

    If I have the following rows.....

    1, 10, 5/1/04, C

    2, 12, 5/1/04, C

    3, 10, 5/10/04, C

    4, 19, 5/3/04, C

    5, 17, 5/16/04, C

    6, 12, 5/29/04, C

    7, 10, 6/01/04, C

    8, 23, 5/28/04, C

    What I want to see

    2, 12, 5/1/04, C

    3, 10, 5/10/04, C

    4, 19, 5/3/04, C

    5, 17, 5/16/04, C

    6, 12, 5/29/04, C

    7, 10, 6/01/04, C

    8, 23, 5/28/04, C


    Order id #1 is missing in my result, which is what I want because in descending order by account_id and order_date it was the 3rd order and I only want the top 2.


    Any ideas?

  • Sounds like you want the last 2 orders to NOT include the very latest one??

    If that is the case you will have to build in a correlated sub-select or some other mechanism that says give me the last 2 orders and make sure it doesnt include the very last one?

    Acct 10 has orders for 5/1, 5/10 and 6/1

    I hope this is what you are looking for

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • This should work...

    select order_id, account_id, order_date, order_status
    from ordertable O
    -- the latest order for a given account
    order_date = (select max(order_date) from ordertable O2 where O.account_id=O2.account_id)
    -- the not-quite-latest for a given account, ie the latest that is earlier than the very latest
    order_date = (select max(order_date) from ordertable O3 where O.account_id=O3.account_id and order_date < (select max(order_date) from ordertable O4 where O3.account_id=O4.account_id))


    Note: this will return more than two rows for a given account if there are for example two orders on the same day for the same account.


  • Hi,

    Here is a similar question:


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • grasshopper and rockmoose....


    thanks for your help. I got it working!!


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