Top N across groupings

  • How do I get the top 2 listings from within each grouping from a group by clause. For example, if I had the query below...

    Select State, Company, Sum(Revenue)

    From myTable

    Group By State, Company

    Order by State, Company

    and each state showed 1000 companies, how would I get the top 2 from each state?  This would equate to 100 records in the resultset (50 states X 2 companies for each).

    Note:  Simply adding top 2 to the above query just gives the top 2 for the complete dataset, not for each grouping.



  • you could do something like this but I'm sure there's a faster way to return that query... this takes 30 secs to run on 30 groupings / 10k rows)... however the indexes are not optimized (90% of the work is done on scans and bookmark lookups).

    Select XType, id, name from dbo.ObjSQL O1 where PkObjSQL IN (Select TOP 2 PkObjSQL from dbo.ObjSQL O2 WHERE O2.XType = O1.XType Order by ID Desc)

    ORDER BY XType, id, name

  • You may get an elegant soultion to this via sub-queries, but I'd typically solve this with a temp-table (or table variable) that applies a Sequence number to it. Note, in Sql Server 2005, a new T-SQL syntax for ROW_NUMBER() will solve this nicely. Until then:

    -- Create an empty temp table with an Identity column to apply a sequence


      Identity(int, 1,1) as Sequence,




    Into #Sequence

    From myTable

    Where 0 = 1  -- Create empty

    -- Populate it, in ascending State, revenue sequence

    Insert Into #Sequence

    (State, Company, Revenue)

    Select State, Company, Sum(Revenue)

    From myTable

    Group By State, Company

    Order by State, Sum(Revenue) Asc

    -- Get the results, self-joinging thru a virtual table to pull the max and max minus 1

    -- sequence for each state.

    Select s1.State, s1.Company, s1.Revenue

    From #Sequence as s1

    Inner Join


      Select s2.State, Max(Sequence) As MaxSeq

      From #Sequence As s2

      Group By s2.State

    ) vt

    On (s1.State = vt.State And

        s1.Sequence = vt.MaxSeq Or s1.Sequence = (vt.MaxSeq - 1)



  • Here's the solutions that I finally arrived at...

    Select State, Company, Revenue

    FROM myTable A

    WHERE Revenue IN


    Select TOP 2 Revenue

    From myTable B

    WHERE B.State = A.State

    Order by Revenue DESC


    Order by State, Revenue DESC


    Thanks for the help


  • What if there's a tie for revenue ?

    If there's a tie, the sub-query will return you top 2 rows, but if you join that based solely on Revenue, you can & will get more than 2 rows per state in the resultset.


  • So this would the the same as "Top n With Ties"

  • yes

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