Top Nth row

  • hi

    i want to get Nth largest salary from this table? yes i mean 4th largest or 15 largest.

    id     salary

    1      2000

    2      3000

    3      1000

    4      10000

    5       15000


    thanx in advance

  • Hi,

    there are various ways in which you could do this and I'm sure you'll get some other posts with other solutions but here's a one of ways that come to mind.

    Dynamic SQL:

    declare @n as int

    declare @cmd as nvarchar(4000)

    set @n = 20

    set @cmd = 'select top ' + convert(varchar(12),@n) + ' * from mytable order by salary desc'

    exec sp_executesql @cmd

    Hope that helps

  • Hi!!!

    I just modify Karl Grambow little bit..........



    CREATE proc Top_NthSal

    @TOP_ID int


    declare @cmd as varchar(4000)

    create table #test(Top_ID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL  , ID int ,Salary Int)

    set @cmd = 'insert into #test (ID,salary) select *  from Salary_Table order by salary desc'

    exec (@cmd)

    select ID,Salary from #test where TOP_ID = @TOP_ID

    DROP table #test



  • Papillon, you don't have to use dynamic sql in your solution...

    Performance could be a problem in Papillon's solution if the table is large. On the other hand, it is preferable to my suggestion below, if you need more than one "n'th salary" at a time.


    declare @n int

    declare @salary int

    select @n = 2

    declare @table table(id int, salary int)

    insert @table

    select 1,      2000 union all

    select 2,      3000 union all

    select 3,      1000 union all

    select 4,      10000 union all

    select 5,       15000

    set rowcount @n

    select @salary = salary from @table order by salary desc

    set rowcount 0

    select @salary

  • Can we do this thing without Top command?

  • Hi....

    create proc Top_NthSal

    @TOP_ID  int


    create table #test(Top_ID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL  , ID int ,Salary Int)


    insert into #test (ID,salary) select *  from salary_table order by salary desc

    if exists (select 1 from #test having count(salary) > 1)  


     select * from salary_table 

     where salary = (select salary from #test where top_id = @top_id)



     select ID , Salary from #test where TOP_ID = @TOP_ID

    DROP table #test





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