Tracing Parallel Processing

  • I am running currently SQL2K on a server with 2 processors.

    Can someone please tell me how to configure a trace on SQL Profiler which will identify when the server is carrying out SP's using both processors (i.e. in parallel (SMP)).

  • Check Performance Event Classes in SQL BOL.

    Degree Of Parallelism1 and Show Plan Text are supposed to help, but I have never used them.

  • Thanks, but neither of these events populate the TextData field of the profiler. I cannot therefore easily identify which of my SPs are most costly.

  • Actualy look at CPU, Duration, Reads, and Writes. The higher the combined values the more costly the query is in relation to other items. Reads and Writes being have the heaviest weight as far as amount related to costliness of query. Als look for cache misses and recompiles.

  • These are the actual physical costs rather than the theoretical cost, that you obtain though an execution plan.

    You will however need to consider the amount of data returned.

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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