Tracking changes to SPROCS

  • Is there a program (preferably free) that will track and plot all changes to stored procedures over time.  If there is, can it also do something similar to the .sql files that hold the SPROC code?

  • Mark,

    I don't know of one that is free.

    Do you have VSS and Vis Studio?

    I could explain my process for tracking.

    If you have issues with versioning, maybe a (crazy) trigger on some systables watching for alter proc statements?

  • I have Visual Studio.  I don't think that I have VSS.  What is that anyway?  It is only worth implementing a solution to this if it is quick and easy.  Otherwise I just manually note alter dates in the code.

  • There's no automated system to enforce change control on sql objects, whatever system you use will not stop someone making an edit to a proc through EM. It's a bit of a double edged swrod really. Try to avoid allowing alter statements, these don't change the create date of procs.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Although I haven't used it yet, SQL 2005 is intergrated with VSS (Visual Source Safe) so that you can do "versioning control" of your SQL sprocs.

    Not sure if that helps you or that is what you are looking for.

    Have a good day,

    Norene Malaney

  • You can use the optional parameter when creating a stored procedure [ ; number ] . 

    create proc usp_Test;4



    Select * from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by name


    You can save off the older proc versions with procname;#  and then use the base proc as the most recent.


    This is pretty messy.  In general, most everyone uses some form of VSS (Visual Source Safe) for code control.



    CREATE PROC [ EDURE ] procedure_name [ ; number ]

        [ { @parameter data_type }

            [ VARYING ] [ = default ] [ OUTPUT ]

        ] [ ,...n ]

  • Switch to SQL 2005  It has DDL triggers that you can use to log alter statements so the sp versions.


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