Tracking Illicit Users

  • Joseph Hicks (1/15/2008)

    Michael Valentine Jones (1/15/2008)

    Joseph Hicks (1/15/2008)

    Andy Warren (1/15/2008)

    ... The other point is that hostname can be spoofed on purpose or accidentally ...

    We had a group of developers (from before my employment) use this to identify the class of a process. Unfortunately for me, this was then used in other processes to automate other processes, so now I'm stuck in a sea of "I can't tell which computers the connections are coming from", so I've turned to using MAC addresses (I know SQL will return them, but I'm not currently looking at my code - I'll update this post later). I'd think this would be a much more reliable method of determining which computers are connecting, but I know almost nothing of MAC addresess and haven't figured out how to tie them to an IP address without explicitly checking the MACs of each of our computers.

    You should be aware that the MAC address can be changed dynamically, so a restriction based on MAC address is not foolproof.

    The old DECnet protocol depended on the ability of a system to assign the MAC address to a specific address.

    At this point, I'm not as much interested in creating automated restriction rules (assuming that's what you're referring to), but more of identifying what PC a given SQL authenticated process is running from. We have an application user that is intended to only be used by applications (we can't use full windows authentication at this time), but I've seen that user pop up on other machines with spoofed machine names, so I've used MAC addresses (with limited success thus far) to track where the connections are coming from and find out who is doing it.

    My point was not about restrictions, but that the MAC address of a client can be set to anything, so it is possible to spoof the address.

    I realize that most people wouldn't change the MAC adress and would not know how, but someone who is trying to break into a system might know how, and would have incentive to do so.

  • I also have this issue. As a workaround, I created a temporary table rather than using a variable which I then drop once I'm finished with it. Would be good to know if I am missing something here though. Thanks.

  • Great Article! I am doing this kind of auditing on all my servers.

    I would *not* filter by database Id though. cross-database queries can come from the "unexpected" master,tempdb,etc... system databases. The real approach is definitely logon triggers but 2005 is a requirement for that 🙂

    * Noel

  • Great script, Thanks David.

    It works on SQL 2005, but get error when running on SQL 2000:

    Server: Msg 197, Level 15, State 1, Line 65

    EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable.

    The line:

    INSERT INTO @InputBuffer(EventType,Parameters,EventInfo) EXEC (@SQL)

    Also "Analyser" should be "Analyzer"

  • I have the same problem in a server with SQL 2000. But the code works fine in SQL 2005. One solution may be to replace the table variable by a temporary table (#InputBuffer instead @InputBuffer).

    I had 2 minor problems too, here are (and his solution):


    ... ON P.sid = L.sid

    My server is in case sensitive mode, the alias is L, not l


    ... OR P.program_name LIKE 'SQL Query Analyzer%'

    In the original code appears "Analiser"

    Hope be useful

  • Sorin Petcu (1/15/2008)

    The line:

    INSERT INTO @InputBuffer(EventType,Parameters,EventInfo) EXEC (@SQL)

    gave me an error:

    Server: Msg 197, Level 15, State 1, Line 65

    EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable.

    What happens?


    On SQL2005 you can use table variables with EXECUTE.

    On SQL2000 you cannot. You have to use temporary tables instead.

  • LICH (1/15/2008)

    Also "Analyser" should be "Analyzer"

    Not if you're British it shouldn't.

  • One aspect I forgot to include was when someone uses MS Office to connect to your databases. I'm thinking of MS Excel and the pivot report/charts. I haven't tried it yet but I seem to remember that the hostname does show up as coming from an office app.

  • Analyse actually has no root ending -izo in greek as the greek 'usis' suffix precludes its use. The y is the english transposition of the greek 'u'

    [Medieval Latin, from Greek analusis, a dissolving, from analuein, to undo : ana-, throughout; see ana- + luein, to loosen; see leu- in Indo-European roots.]

    The 'ize' is neither an adapation from the french or from the English.

    from 'Fowlers - Modern English Usage'


    "analyse is better than analyze, but merely as being the one of two equally indefensible forms that have won. The correct but now impossible form would be analysize ( or analysise), with analysist for the the existing analyst"

    Language is a living thing, so is code !

    CodeOn 😛

  • David.Poole (1/15/2008)

    LICH (1/15/2008)

    Also "Analyser" should be "Analyzer"

    Not if you're British it shouldn't.

    Well, at least not until we've had a couple of "P's & Q's" 😀 Got beer? :w00t:

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    How to post code problems
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  • Beer !;) - Always ! I don't care what language you use, its still beer. 😀 . Opps I think we digress ...

    Oh Well 🙂


  • Also to identify users who are using SQL 2005 Studio

    Add this program name to the filters

    'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query'

  • Dallas Martin (1/17/2008)

    Also to identify users who are using SQL 2005 Studio

    Add this program name to the filters

    'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query'

    It's not necessary, because is covered by:

    P.program_name LIKE 'Microsoft SQL%'

    And for the interesting previous discussion about Analyzer or Analyser, I am spanish spoken, and I find the north american form better (spanish: Analizador), but the true thing is: what's the name that the query returns when this tool is being used?, and in my servers (english version) the answer is: SQL Server Query Analyzer.

    So I will use:

    OR P.program_name LIKE 'SQL Query Analy[zs]er%' 😉

  • I wasn't being xenophobic when I mentioned Analyser, it is what the app is called in the hostname field.

    I guess it is one of those "localization" things. Shades of grey/gray and all that.

  • I don't think that you need to track this kind of behavior. There are many ways to prevent developers from having access to production. As was stated earlier you could use your firewall and put access restrictions on port 1433 or whatever port your SQL Servers are running on if you never want an developer to have access to it.

    If you need them to have access but not free reign, then I would suggest removing the datareader, datawriter roles and only allow your users on that server to have execute privileges on whatever procedures you have deployed.

    I guess I don't agree with the whole entrapment method of management.

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