Trans log restore

  • Please don't slate me if I am being stupid.  I am from an as/400 background an am new to SQL Server.

    If I do a full sql database backup on say a Sunday at 1AM. Transaction Log backups every day at 10AM and 4PM, and Differential backups every day at 10PM.  If a system failure occurs at say 2pm on Tuesday. How do I restore to 1:59pm on Tuesday?

    Steps I would follow:

    I would restore my Full back-up from Sunday, then my differntial back-up from Monday night followed by the transaction log back-up from 10am Tuesday morning but don't know how to roll forward to point of failure as you're supposed to be able to do using Full recovery mode?



  • Depending on the severity of the system error, you might be able to backup the current transaction log using the NO_TRUNCATE option.

    Thereafter, restore the database on another system following the steps you described, and if you were able to backup the current log, use the STOPAT option with the RESTORE LOG syntax e.g.

    RESTORE LOG MyDB FROM DISK = 'e:\backup\logbk.bak' WITH STOPAT = 'Jul 27, 2004 1:59 PM'

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

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