Transaction Distributed

  • The following statement:


    UPDATE name_table




    FROM name_server.name_db.dbo.name_table


    (where name_server is my local machine)

    Return this message:

    The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]

    Why?? I don't understand

    Help me Please


  • Is MSDTC service running?

    Are you connecting from SQL Server to SQL Server or other RDBMS is involved? If so, OLEDB provider maynot support updates via distributed queries.

    What happens if you replace that UPDATE with a distributed SELECT (join tables from different servers together)? If it works, check the driver's capabilities.

  • Yes, MS DTC is running !

    I execute the statement with Query Analyzer.

    In the Query Analyzer, I'm connect with my local machine.

    I execute the query on my local SQL Server!

    I don't understand

    Help me


  • What are you doing on the application side to manage your transactions?

  • How many SQL Servers are participating the destributed transaction? Hvae you already setup linked server?

  • Had a similar error, and so used the following code:

    set xact_abort on

    this will allow nested trans which the DT requries. After you have performed the DT then:

    set xact_abort off

    Hope this helps.

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