Transaction Log

  • I need help on Transaction Log which jumps from 1ooMB to 6-7GB some time it goes above 8GB also. i need help on some kind of script that can ALERT me if this TR LOG goes above say for e.g. 500MB & then 1GB.

    Any help or Links on this will be highly appreciated.


  • Just run regularly with a job:

    select * from sysfiles

    and you can grab the size of your current log.


  • You could use


    ('DBCC sqlperf(logspace)')

    and insert this into a table and get set an alert if the file nears your threshold. Is the database in full recovery mode? If so, and you are doing regular log backups wouldn't it be better to size the lof file so it can grow and shrink as it needs.

    If the base is in simple recovery and you don't need log backups then maybe you could run a job to shrink the log file now and again.


    You can create a performance alert "percent log used" and execute a job

      backup the transaction log

      email you the information

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