Transaction Log Shipping Status Report Problem

  • Hi all,

    I have 8 servers configured for log shipping with a separate server as the monitor. When I run the Transaction Log Shipping Status Report, one of the primary servers shows the databases as never backed up. The secondary server, however, shows the copy and restore jobs as normal and up to date. If I look at the jobs on the server itself, they are running as planned and generating the log backups with no errors. And the copy and restore jobs are working on the secondary server, as well.

    I've tried deleting the log shipping configurations and rebuilding several times with no success. Can anyone think of something I can try? I'm at a loss here.



  • If you query msdb..jobhistory table it should show you what databases have been backed up by the agent?

  • I took a look at the table and on both the Primary Server and the Monitor Server, it shows the databases as never having a log backup. However, when I look at the Job Activity Monitor the log backup jobs complete as scheduled with no problem and the logs are being generated into their folder. Which would be why the Transaction Log Shipping Status report on the Monitor Server is throwing alerts saying the backup jobs are not up to date. The table on the Secondary Server and for the Monitor Server is showing the copy and restore jobs correctly. And the Secondary Server is up to date with all t-logs being applied on schedule.

    Does anyone have any idea why the backup jobs would be showing as never having run when it is in fact running without issue?

  • That's pretty strange, before replying to your scenario I made a test set up with 2 minutes latency and checked all the tables, I was able to get the info from the table mentioned in the msdb.

    Have u got any clean up tasks to clean the history?

  • Nope, no clean up tasks and I set it up exactly like the other servers. I've been log shipping to our hot site for the past three years and I haven't had any issues like this before. This is a new server that we've just incorporated and the status report hasn't worked from the get-go, yet its counterpart works just fine. I really don't want to rebuild the entire server just so I can get this to work, but I'm running out of options.

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