Transaction replication

  • We have a live server with 100 (give or take) databases. We replicate all these to a separate server, the logic being we use the second box for all reporting to reduce loading on the live box and prevent any potential mess ups. This works fine most of the time.

    My question relates to the replication agents. For each job there is a snapshot (runs once when the replication is set up), logreader (keeps an eye on the logs) and distribution (pushes the data to the subscriber). So we end up with 100 logreader agents and 100 distribution agents.

    Is this the right way to go about this requirement? Could a single logreader agent be used to monitor all the database transactions? And the same for distribution agents?

    Whenever I review my agent activity there are loads of jobs, mostly 'sleeping'.

    All advice gratefully received!



  • Since you have 100s of databases, I think it is safer to have multiple log reader agents. (I am not sure if you can have one log reader agent for all databases). Even if something goes wrong with the replication of one DB, you wont have any issues with the other. Second, the log reader does not have to push that much data since it has to deal with only one Database.

    If you post this same question in the replication forum, I think you might get more responses.


  • Sorry! bit new round here - will do...

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