transactional replication

  • " The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command"

    This means exactly what the error message says. You have two options.

    Option 1: If you don't care about data integrity you can set the distribution agent profile to ignore data consistency errors, stop and restart the distribution agent, and it will move on past the row that's having the problem.

    Option 2: You can use sp_browsereplcmds to get the commands that are failing. You need the xact_seqno, publisher database ID, and command ID. Grab the xact_seqno and command ID from the distribution agent details in replication monitor. Use the query below to grab the publisher database ID from the distributor:

    SELECT DISTINCT MSsubscriptions.publisher_database_id

    FROM MSpublications

    INNER JOIN MSsubscriptions ON MSpublications.publisher_id = MSsubscriptions.publisher_id

    AND MSpublications.publication_id = MSsubscriptions.publication_id

    WHERE MSpublications.publisher_db = '[Published Database Name]'

    AND MSpublications.publication = '[Publication Name]'

    Then grab the values to plug into sp_browsereplcmds on the distributor like this example:

    sp_browsereplcmds @xact_seqno_start = '0x0004BA2600017BBE001600000000',

    @xact_seqno_end = '0x0004BA2600017BBE001600000000',

    @publisher_database_id = 64,


    Once you know what commands are failing you can take appropriate action to fix the problem.

    Kendal Van Dyke[/url]

  • Thanx dyke You are genius


  • I have the same problem.

    i used a script for transactional replication and successfully replicated 3 tables from sql 2000 to sql 2005.

    but when i tried the same script it doesn't work.

    the table has a primary key and the agent jobs are running continuously.

    the snapshot was also applied and it even showed bulk copy of 213 rows in replication monitor.

    but when i check the table is not created at all..

    please help me how to figure it out or troubleshoot it.

  • OOPS !! It should not be here...

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