Transactions 2

  • rmechaber (5/23/2012)

    ...I found this write-up useful in explaining the benefits -- and issues -- related to XACT_ABORT and TRY..CATCH:[/url].

    For example, there's a nice demonstration of how XACT_STATE() is needed to catch uncommittable transactions, following something as simple as a failed type conversion from string to integer [SELECT CAST('abc' AS INTEGER)].


    An excellent article, that should be compulsory reading for all us SQL developers!

    Thanks for posting Rich.

  • Nasty, but great question. Tricked me! 😎

    Michael Gilchrist
    Database Specialist
    There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't. πŸ˜€

  • Nice question and nice conversation as always πŸ™‚


  • I have to say that I am astonished that I was not crystal clear on this(I got it wrong), after the years I have programmed against SQL Server. In mitigation I am an application developer and thus less likely to work directly in the way this question operates (i.e. I would control transactions externally in most cases). Still, this is why I keep doing the QOTD to be reminded of my limitations - great discussion which has really clarified the whole tx thing and the reasons behind how it works the way it does, thanks.

  • Hugo Kornelis (5/23/2012)

    If you want the application to be outside SQL Server, you should ... even control the transactions from the application.

    That's what we do (MTS in our case). Has its down sides, but allows all the error handling and logging to be done in the application.

  • Nice question i got it correct,i encountered a similar experience.I liked the explanation learned something.thank you.

    β€œWhen I hear somebody sigh, β€˜Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, β€˜Compared to what?’” - Sydney Harris

  • ralph.bacon (5/24/2012)

    rmechaber (5/23/2012)

    ...I found this write-up useful in explaining the benefits -- and issues -- related to XACT_ABORT and TRY..CATCH:[/url].

    For example, there's a nice demonstration of how XACT_STATE() is needed to catch uncommittable transactions, following something as simple as a failed type conversion from string to integer [SELECT CAST('abc' AS INTEGER)].


    An excellent article, that should be compulsory reading for all us SQL developers!

    Thanks for posting Rich.

    YW, thanks for letting me know you found it useful!


  • Great question! You'd be surprised to know how many SQL developers think if any error is encountered within a transaction it automatically gets rolled back like when XACT_ABORT is on.

  • I got it right for the wrong reason. Learned something. Thanks for submitting.

  • Good question.

  • wrong answer πŸ™

    I learned a lot from transaction questions πŸ™‚

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • I answered 1 row.

    Assuming violation is at second row so first row will be xcuted succesffully. One more thing i didn't notice that all three insert statements are inside a transaction.

    But if it is implict transaction and set xact_abort is ON

    Then first row will be inserted sucessfully..

    Desire to learn new things..

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